New Android Malware Medusa, Steals Passwords and Banking info

Mick McIntyre
Technology Hits
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2022


Using YOUR contacts and SMS to spread itself

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Similar tactics

A while ago there was a very successful Android Malware called FluBot, also known as Cabassous in some circles.. The Android trojan, directed at the banking industry, would steal your passwords and banking details.

According to the researchers over at ThreatFabric, Medusa Malware is using the same playbook.

Furthermore, it acts as a MITM (Man In The Middle) attack, meaning it’s got some intelligence built in to intercept some of your actions. It can take screenshots of some of your actions and pass that information onto the bad actors.


Due to the success of FluBot, often dubbed “notorious success”, imitations have been popping up.

Medusa acts similarly but is actually written by a different group. Which in a vacuum is bad enough, but now we have competing similar malware products, this can only mean they’ll start refining their products more and more, making it even harder for the layperson to spot.

Originally starting life as a keylogger, Medusa has evolved and as mentioned can take screenshots now and collect even more data from the infected device.



Mick McIntyre
Technology Hits

Cyber Security entrepreneur, Photographer, writer, music junkie, dog lover and passionate traveler.