Notion vs. Craft — The Race to Reinvent Note-Taking

Notion needs a severe facelift. Craft docs are catching up fast.

Anshul Kummar
Technology Hits


Photo by paolo candelo on Unsplash

Notion has over 30 million users today, with an annual revenue of $43.5 M in 2022 — an increase from $32 M in 2021.

There are many reasons why Notion’s growth strategy is different. Using a large base of people, segmenting their audiences, and harnessing the power of community has been their driving force of growth.

Notion is cross-platform like Evernote; you can use it anywhere — Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and the Web.

This is killer and likely one of the reasons why it’s so popular.

But, Notion has a problem.

Usually, people don’t notice it, but we note-taking aficionados do.

I’m talking about speed.

However, that does come with a small set of drawbacks.

First, how can a small team of developers maintain this quasifree app on every platform? They only preserve one web app and reuse it on Windows and Mac.

It’s not an app specifically crafted from the ground up for your operating system.

Even when using the standalone app, you’re using a Chrome tab with all of the positives and…



Anshul Kummar
Technology Hits

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