Opinion: Personal Branding Takes Lead Over CVs

Abraham Bamidele ( Editor )
Technology Hits
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2024


Definitions, notices, and positioning needed

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

short note- I have been in the Personal Branding space for some time and some few observations have crossed my minds. Finally, I decided to put this out there:

The world of opportunities builds around character, skills and competences (ever since I should say). In an organization, there are questions such as:

What can you do?

What is your skillset?

And what do you have to push this organization forward.

Since the burst of LinkedIn, reaching over 1 billion users and being a professional site, it has become a community built with CEOs, entrepreneurs, content creators, and many other professionals in various fields.

With these, students, artists, graphic artists, who build strong social and personal brands stand a better chance for networking, connecting, and receiving work or recommendation opportunities.

According to the Harvard Business Review, personal brand is the combination of your skills (The intelligence built over time, to solve problems.), the values you present (These may include, competence and hardworking spirit, and a credible work ethic, and the impressions you give).

Personal branding is reaching its peak. Once built correctly, streams of opportunities flows. You get recommendations, sometimes, people may seek your ideas or perspectives, or even value your opinion on a post.

While doing this, engaging in communities, participating and attending conferences can present you straight hand opportunities to your industry. This also includes sharing your expertise through articles, webinars, and speaking engagements.

For instance, I secured an internship due to my passion for a particular skill. This highlights the importance of intentionally positioning yourself for long-term opportunities. Shun comparison and embrace your progress as you go. This is no magic; this is how it works.

So: Care about your work, share your work, share good work, and be seen doing good work.



Abraham Bamidele ( Editor )
Technology Hits

Editor for Illumination Medium. Penultimate Media Student. Write Opinions, Life, Sports, Technology, Politics, and Humanitarian Occurrences.