A four-part series.

Part 4 Deployment — Build and Monitor an Affordable Battery-Solar System with a Raspberry Pi

Build a capable battery-solar system with energy flow monitoring for less than £150… Oh, and have fun!

Seb Hulse
Technology Hits
Published in
15 min readOct 12, 2021


Clockwise from the top-left corner: Grafana dashboard visualising the energy monitoring output; Raspberry Pi and sensors; Snapshot of Python code; Full battery-solar system with two solar panels © Seb Hulse


This series is organised into four parts. If you’re new here, I suggest starting with Part 1 for some context.

Part 1

An introduction to solar power, hardware parts list, and system specification.

Part 2

An overview of the circuit concepts, the system schematic, and building of the system.

Part 3



Seb Hulse
Technology Hits

I write about what I’m learning — usually with a technical focus. Let’s enlighten one another! sebhulse.com