Telehealth & Teleophthalmology
Remote Eye Exam Via Teleophthalmology: Are We There Yet?
Utility of Virtual Eye Exam Using Teleophthalmology and its Accompanied Challenges
Recently I published a piece on the significance and utility of digital biomarkers in today's healthcare domain. Within the content, I tried to elaborate on various forms of data captured from diverse sources.
The concept of digital biomarkers is broad and based on the type of sensors used to collect data, metadata, and imaging. One can transmit some information via remote devices connected across cyberspace, yet others can connect directly through Telehealth platforms. One such emerging vision is Teleophthalmology.
In the recent decade, Telehealth has given annex to a remote means of examining human eyes using Teleophthalmology.
Eye examination, in general, is inherently a technology-dependent clinical undertaking. Thus incorporating Technology allows rendering eye exams more luxurious while expanding its point of care from a doctor's office to remote locations utilizing Teleophthalmology.
For instance, ophthalmologists (and Optometrists) typically use ophthalmoscopes and slit lamps in their local facilities to examine inner eye…