Robot Army of 2023

The Future of Technology and How It Will Affect Your Life

Opal A Roszell
Technology Hits


Photo by BUMIPUTRA on Pixabay

R‍obot Wars

Have you ever wondered what the future will be like? Do you spend hours reading various sites and watching videos to prepare for the changes we are bound to experience?

If you’re anything like me, you probably strongly doubt how technology will affect our lives in the next 20 years. Will it be beneficial or detrimental?

Will it change us as a species or make us worse off? Robot trash cans, AI assistants, virtual reality and killer robots are some technologies being developed to help humans adapt to a world where machines do most of the work.

But what does this have to do with you and your job? As robotics becomes more prevalent in our everyday lives, so should employers look to adopt policies that keep their employees safe from harm’s way.

If you’re looking for a company that can help guide you through this futuristic landscape while preparing you for the future, check out Google.

The tech giant has been at the forefront of artificial intelligence research and has become one of the most popular employers among roboticists and developers.

From making self-driving cars to serving online search ads, Google is dedicated to…



Opal A Roszell
Technology Hits

Inspiring Social & Emotional Competency in Online Communities. Savouring the Flavour of Life. Website Content & Document Creator 4 Hire >+< Follow Me @opaliving