Rufus: Amazon’s Groundbreaking AI Shopping Assistant

Sana Fayyaz
Technology Hits
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


Amazon announced the launch of Rufus, an AI assistant transforming the online shopping experience with personalized guidance and smart recommendations.

Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash

Amazon’s Rufus, an AI-powered shopping assistant, is designed to simplify and personalize your online shopping journey. It is an AI tool integrated into Amazon’s mobile app, aimed at providing tailored assistance to its customers. Currently, it’s accessible to a select group of customers, with plans to extend access to more users across the U.S. in the upcoming weeks. Rufus is designed to make product discovery more efficient, helping customers make informed decisions by providing insights and comparisons seamlessly.

How does it work?

Rufus is built on Amazon’s rich history of utilizing artificial intelligence to improve customer experiences, making shopping more intuitive and user-friendly. By using Amazon’s extensive product catalog and information from the web, Rufus can answer queries, compare products, and recommend items that best fit the customer’s needs. Users can simply start by typing or speaking their shopping queries into the search bar. The launch of Rufus is a significant step forward in Amazon’s commitment to integrating advanced AI technologies to enhance the shopping experience.



Sana Fayyaz
Technology Hits

Technical Writer | Research Scholar | Exploring, Researching and Sharing the latest AI tools, applications, news, and tech. Writer at