Say It Loud: Maximizing SEO Impact with Voice Search Optimization

Shilpa Bankapur
Technology Hits
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2024

Have you ever thought your website shows up when someone talks to their phone and asks a question?

Canva image on Voice Search Optimization
voice search optimisation picture taken from Canva

Imagine you’re driving a car and need to find a nearby restaurant, but your hands are busy driving. Instead of typing on your phone, you simply ask, “ Hey Google, where’s the nearest place to eat?”

Google Assistant will guide you to the nearest restaurant.

That’s the power of voice search!

Nowadays, a lot of people use voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant for easy search.

You can optimise your website to be found more easily when people ask a question on their device.

In this article, we’ll discuss why Voice Search Optimisation matters and how it can make your website stand out in the busy online world.

So, get ready to learn how to make your business shine in the age of voice exploration!

Understanding Voice Search Optimization

A simple definition of voice search optimisation is the process of optimising a website or digital content to make it more accessible and relevant to voice search queries through voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana.

Instead of typing keywords into a search bar, you simply speak your queries aloud, expecting accurate and relevant results in return.

Why Voice Search Optimization is Important

Voice search is important because it helps users easily find any business or service using voice commands on devices like smart speakers.

There are some more reasons why voice search optimisation is important, let’s understand!

Changing User Behavior

As technology changed, people started using smart devices and now more people are turning to voice search as a convenient and hand-free way to find information and perform tasks.

Natural Language Queries

Voice search queries mainly contain conversational and natural languages compared to traditional text-based searches.

Optimizing for voice search means adapting content to match the way people speak, including long-tail keywords, question-based queries, and local language variations.

For example, you ask “OK Google, how do you make a delicious paneer recipe using Indian ingredients”

Google answer your queries!

You can also use your regional languages to get your queries done.

Local Search Opportunities

A lot of voice searches are focused on location, as users often look for businesses or services near their location. Optimising for voice search allows businesses to capture local search opportunities.

Features Snippet

Voice assistants often read out featured snippets from search results as answers to user queries.

A featured snippet is a special kind of search result that appears at the top of Google’s search result page.

It’s like a summary of an answer to a question, displayed in a box, usually with a brief explanation from a webpage that Google thinks has the best answer to the user’s query.

To optimise for featured snippets, focus on providing clear, concise answers to common questions within your content, using structured formatting like headers and bullet points. Use keywords that fit naturally and cover the topic well, write catchy meta descriptions and track the performance.

If you make helpful content that matches what people ask, it’s more likely to show up in featured snippets, which bring more people to your site.

Competitive Advantage

Since Voice Search Optimisation is still relatively new, businesses that invest in optimising their content for voice search early on can gain a competitive advantage over competitors who still need to adapt their SEO strategies for voice search.

Future Growth

Voice search technology is expected to get better, understanding more and working with more devices. If businesses start using Voice Search Optimisation now, they’ll be ready for the future and stay ahead in SEO.

How to Implement Voice Search Optimization

To implement voice search optimisation, adjust your website content to match how people talk, focus on specific long tail keywords, and make sure the site loads quickly on mobile devices.

Let’s discuss some more!

Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

Use long-tail keywords and phrases in your content that reflect the conversational nature of voice search queries. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Answer the Public to discover relevant long-tail keywords.

Optimise for Local Search

Since many voice searches are location-based, make sure your business information is accurate and up-to-date across online directories, review platforms, and local listings. This includes your business name, address, phone number(NAP), and hours of operation.

Create Conversational Content

Create content that answers common questions and provides valuable information in a conversational tone. Consider creating FAQ pages, blog posts, or podcasts that address specific topics or pain points relevant to your target audience.

Improve Website Speed and Mobile-Friendliness

Optimise your website for speed and mobile-friendliness to enhance the user experience for voice search users. This includes minimising page load time, optimising images, and ensuring your site is responsive across different devices and screen sizes.

Benefits of Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimisation offers numerous benefits, including online visibility and accessibility, as it allows your website to appear more frequently in voice-based search results.

Increased traffic and Visibility

Optimising voice search can lead to higher visibility in SERPs and drive more organic traffic to your website, especially for long-tail and local search queries.

User Experience

By providing accurate and relevant answers to voice search queries, businesses can enhance the overall user experience and build trust and credibility with their audience.

Better Brand Recognition

By appearing as a featured snippet or top result in voice search results, businesses can increase brand recognition and establish themselves as authorities in their industry or niche.

Drawbacks of Voice Search Optimization

Here are some drawbacks of voice search optimization in simple terms

Misunderstood Questions

Sometimes, voice assistants don’t understand what you’re asking, so they might give the wrong answer.

Less Advertising

Voice search often gives short answers, so there’s not much space for ads, which can limit how businesses make money.

Changing Content Needs

Businesses have to change how they write content to match how people talk, which can be hard and might need extra help.

Privacy Worries

Since devices are always listening, some people worry about their privacy because it feels like someone’s always listening in.


Voice search optimisation is not just about making your website more visible. It’s also about making sure your website is user-friendly for people who use voice commands to search. Think about it like having a conversation with your website instead of typing in keywords

When people ask their smart speakers or phones for information, they often get just one answer. If your website provides that answer, you’re more likely to get their attention.

Overall, voice search optimisation is about adapting to how people use technology in their everyday lives. It’s a way to make sure your website stays relevant and accessible in a constantly changing digital world.

So, stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in voice search optimisation to keep your website ahead of the curve!



Shilpa Bankapur
Technology Hits

I'm passionate writer writing about SEO, web design, social media marketing, and trending AI tools. Let's explore the world of digital marketing together!