Personal Development

Skills That Are Safe in the Future AI World

Because what’s important is the human touch.

Elena Beliaeva-Baran
Technology Hits
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2021


Automation, in tandem with the COVID-19 recession, is creating a ‘double-disruption’ scenario for workers.

(World Economic Forum, 2020)

And also for business owners.

No matter if you are currently employed, looking for a job, already have a start-up or a side hustle or you’re just going through some ideas — your skills are an investment. And like any other asset, it requires thorough research and a peek at the future.

It will allow you to see the current situation in different industries, the experts’ predictions, and the potential gaps. This knowledge might give you a better understanding of how you can fill in those gaps with your product or service.

According to PwC’s report: Will robots really steal our jobs, the top 3 industries that are at the highest risk of automation are transportation and storage, manufacturing, and construction. The next 3 sectors are administrative and support services, retail, and public administration.

Despite the recent developments in medical AI and teaching AI, the graph (Figure 1.2 from this report) shows that healthcare and education have the lowest…

