'Technology Hits' Arrives At The Speed Of Light

Explore the wonderful world of technology at your fingertips

Liam Ireland
Technology Hits
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2020


Photograph by Paul Frenzel on Unsplash

It is with more than a little excitement that I welcome you to our new publication Technology Hits, a new publication which, following on hot on the heels of Illumination and Illumination Curated, has arrived here at lightning speed.

For me it is a great opportunity to re-publish four sci-fi stories previously published in Illumination and Illumination Curated. It seems to me such stories will far more at home in the new pub given that they do have a technological slant. I sincerely hope that by showing our writers a lead in doing this more of you will follow for the benefit of both the new pub and for yourselves.

The first story revolves around a character called Katie who finds herself involuntarily exploring space and bumping into none other than a character called Sir Elton Dusk. No prizes for guessing who that character is based upon.

Katie is swept along on an amazing journey which takes her to the kingdom of heaven via a space flight to a cosmic staging post en-route to Mars, a place which Sir Elton promises her she will be amongst the first to visit. And it seems to me that an excellent complementary piece by my very good friend Stuart Englander offers an alternative view of how…

