The Future of Dating with Apple Intelligence

Colin Hodge
Technology Hits
Published in
3 min read11 hours ago
Imagining the possibilities for dating apps with user-controlled AI (Photo created by author using Microsoft Design)

💣 Boom!

Just like that, Apple’s redefined AI.

Screenshot from Apple’s AI Keynote via tammy .ai & TheAIGrid on Youtube

Both literally (as “Apple Intelligence”) and figuratively (by implementing valuable use cases built-in to every phone and across apps).

Now, I’m usually a skeptic when it comes to tech hype.

Crypto: I barely bought in, didn’t see much real adoption outside of illicit purchases, and then realized its connections to anti-democratic forces around the world.

Metaverse: Never one for gaming, I didn’t get swept away in the allure of a virtual world with avatars, nor did I think it could work in clunky hardware.

“Web 3" and NFTs: The pushing of Web 3 as the inevitable future of the Internet felt so surreal to me. I felt the hype wave almost pulling me in sometimes, but I kept coming back to incredulous feelings about the real value of this so called art and the big money behind these movements. I pretty quickly declared NFTs a scam, and Web 3 shortly after thanks to brilliant analysts like

Generative AI: I see some utility of it, in the natural language assistance and for enabling non-artists to generate much better images from their words, but I also felt it’s been overhyped for it’s actual efficacy to date. Then Apple productized it in ways that look to add real utility that I could envision the mainstream actually using.

But what will the Future of Dating Apps look like with Apple Intelligence?

Here are some of the ideas that spring to mind from a dating industry insider. 👇

💡 Dating Concierge: Automated tedious tasks and save me time!

  • 💬 respond to each new message using my tone & personality (Smart Reply) → replacing apps like Rizz
  • 🧠 Smart Mode: only show me notifications from matches that I’m very interested in
  • 📌 remind me to follow up if i said i would or don’t want that match to get cold (like a personal CRM)
  • send an opening message customized to each new match: open each match that’s unread, open their profile, pick something about their profile to mention
  • add them to my external chat app (whatsapp, IG, whatever) so i don’t have to, and include images AND context from our dating app chat
  • send fun images of us together using “Image creation”

💡 Easier Matching: Save me from swiping!

  • 💓 send likes to anyone who matches my type
  • 📚 learn my type by looking at my matches

💡 Safety: Do the research for me

  • 🔍 research this match: are they real? using stolen photos? let’s google them.
  • 🙅♀️ check the chat threads for dick pics or other distasteful content the app might’ve missed

💡 Scheduling: The end of Calendly and tedious planning?

  • look at my calendar 📅
  • suggest 3 time slots when i could meet my match in a casual way that doesn’t feel like i’m scheduling a biz meeting
  • or suggest 1 time to them based on when i usually like to do dates/dinner/etc.

💡 Memory: Help me remember my thoughts, discussions, and experiences with each match

  • “TLDR;” summarize the chat before we meet so i can reference it in person
  • remember what i feel & think & heard after the date

💡 Data portability: Help me move my profile (data) to other services

  • manually open each part of my profile from dating app
  • copy and paste or take screenshots
  • → use those in dating app



Colin Hodge
Technology Hits

Follow me for insider takes on Entrepreneurship, the Dating Industry, Growth Hacking, and Startup Product & Marketing Tactics