The Importance of Determining How to Coordinate All of Your Marketing Activities

As a marketer, you are likely well aware of your different channels when marketing your product or service. There’s print; there’s digital; there’s television, radio… the list goes on.

Courtney Simms
Technology Hits


The Importance of Determining How to Coordinate All of Your Marketing Activities
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

But have you ever stopped to think about how all of these channels work together? Or how can you coordinate them in such a way that they complement each other and work towards a common goal?

According to research, more people trust advertisements they see in magazines than any other type of media (60 percent).

This article will examine the importance of coordinating your marketing activities. We’ll explore why it’s important, how you can go about doing it, and some common pitfalls to avoid.

What are marketing activities?

  • Marketing activities can take many different forms, depending on the goals of the business or organization. For example, a business might use advertising to reach a large number of potential customers, while a nonprofit organization might use…



Courtney Simms
Technology Hits

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