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Top Trends Impacting the Workplace in 2021

Ryan M. Raiker, MBA
Technology Hits


The pandemic and the social issues of the last year changed the world, sparing no continent. In the same surge, they prompted some unprecedented workplace drifts that are changing the way we work.

For many companies today, advances in technology and processes, the state of the economy, shifting workforce demographics, and efforts to navigate the new normal and the unknown brought by Covid-19 are the main catapults of workplace trends this year.

To discover the real impact of technology, automation, and business processes in the workplace, ABBYY commissioned Opinium Research in November 2020 to survey 4,000 workers in the U.S., UK, France, and Germany from over 20 industries, such as IT and Computing, Education, Healthcare, Government, Insurance, Manufacturing, and Transportation. While there have been many surveys available with the C-suite perspective and analyst recommendations, we wanted to know what the everyday worker experienced.

Image sourced from ABBYY and the ABBYY Logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ABBYY Software Ltd.

What we discovered was not entirely surprising. Seventy-four percent of respondents said they had experienced challenges at work during the current global pandemic. When identifying the cause of their biggest challenges…



Ryan M. Raiker, MBA
Technology Hits

TEDxSpeaker | Former Consultant | Process Expert | Marketer | Digital Guy | Adjunct Professor & Learner. I write about tech, marketing, business, and more.