What is a New Collar Worker? Hint: It's You

You’re probably one of the many ‘new collar workers’ and you don’t even know it.

Mar Riney
Technology Hits


Picture purchased with commercial rights from @ArthurHidden on Freepik.com

Do you know what a New Collar Worker is? No? Until recently I didn’t either. At my 9–5 we closely work with IBM, the powerhouse in all things tech and the digital transformation space. I attended IBM Think 2020 and heard the term during one of the sessions on continued learning. I’m sure you all know how much I love and push continued learning, not only for career success, but for personal happiness and development as well.

What is a New Collar Worker?

A New Collar Worker is described as a worker that develop technical and soft skills through non-traditional educational paths. This often takes the form of certification, or continued education through platforms like Udemy versus 4-year schools and technical programs.

A New Collar Worker is someone who leverages self-driven continued learning to help them make moves in their career.

Now this is a super popular term right now, but I can guarantee that it will be gaining traction in the coming years! When IBM uses the term they are more focusing on people who are currently or formerly in blue collar jobs looking to transition without the hassle of traditional schooling.



Mar Riney
Technology Hits

Marketing Polymath | Doctoral Student in Data Analytics | MBA | Full Time Freelance SaaS Marketer | Egg Donor | Ginger |