We should learn how to collaborate with robots before it is too late!

A brief guide to thriving in the new era of humans and machines.

Jair Ribeiro
Technology Hits
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2020


Much has been said about how automation processes can render a large number of jobs obsolete.

After all, the opportunities for technologies involving robotics and artificial intelligence have grown exponentially. Workers worldwide have been anxious about how this new era of automation can affect their careers.

The concerns of shrinking jobs during the rise of robotic automation and AI it’s a real thing, and it can be contrasted with three main approaches:

The first is related to continuous learning. The second is associated with accessing and analyzing information in the right way. The third is linked to the importance of uniquely human skills.

Let’s face it: to be prepared for future jobs, we should be less concerned with choosing a secure job position and devoting ourselves more to the continuous learning of new skills.

Automation and the future of work

Numerous studies try to predict the risk of job losses due to automation.

For example, Oxford University published a survey in which it estimates that 47% of jobs in the…



Jair Ribeiro
Technology Hits

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader