Your Life Through the β€œThree Screen Effect”

6 ways your phone is changing you and 5 moves to strike a balance

My personal three screens β€” picture by author

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They are everywhere. Hardly a moment ever passes without you having to acknowledge their omnipresence.

So, what was life like in the days before the advent of our shining gadgets?

So much is our techno-gadget-dependence total that some of us will get into panic-mood attacks whenever we get untethered from them. Because, like shadows, these devices are ever before our eyes β€” until death, do us part.

Let’s face it. You won’t go far before you need to resort to any of these devices. This is the case even in remote areas with minimal or zero digital connectivity.

Less than two decades ago, satellite communication was the only available but very expensive option. Those were the days of Iridium Satelite communication, Thuraya among many others. Back then, only corporations and the wealthy could afford those (now) ancient devices and the services they afforded.

