Interviews about technology

Lindsey Henderson
Technology in the New Age
5 min readApr 27, 2019

Technology is a very addictive thing in todays generation almost everyone spends most of their day getting caught up in Instagram drama, Netflix shows, Youtube Videos or snapping pics to their friends. For my next post i’ve decided to interview students and teachers about their thoughts on technology.

I came up with two different pages of questions for the students and teachers.

my questions for the students include:

  1. How many hours a day do you spend on your phone or any other technology device?
  2. What app do you spend the most time on?
  3. Would you consider yourself addicted to technology?
  4. Has technology ever caused you to be unproductive with your school work if so tell me about it?
  5. How long do you scroll through your phone before bed?
  6. Do you check through your phone first thing in the morning when you wake up?
  7. do you think you would survive going 24 Hours a day without your phone/ technology?

Interview questions i asked the teachers:

  1. I asked the teachers number 1, 2,3 from the students and then made up more questions that has to do with teaching .
  2. do you think technology in school is more helpful or harmful to students?
  3. Do you think students having their phones in class affects the way they learn?

The first person I interviewed was a Junior at Olathe West Her name is Ziah Lindsay, Ziah told me that she spends 2 hours a day on her phone because she works a lot after school and doesn’t really have the time to just sit on her phone. Ziah says she spends most of her time on Instagram. Ziah said she “ I consider myself addicted because on days when i’m off and don’t work I get on social media a lot. She says there are times when she watches Netflix when she should be doing class work but she mostly only watches Netflix if she’s in a easy class. Before bed Ziah claims that she spends a hour on her phone every night scrolling through Instagram and it causes her to go to bed later because she gets caught up in the Instagram tea. On weekday mornings Ziah doesn’t scroll her phone because she’s rushing to get ready for school but on the weekends she spends a hour on her phone before getting out of bed. Ziah believes she could go 24 hours without her phone because she has a good imagination and when she was younger she never really spent her time inside watching tv because she spent her time outside and if she went 24 hours without her phone she said she would either go to the mall or go outside and play with her cousins.

Sam Carpenter is a sophomore at Olathe West on average Sam says he spends 5 hours and 49 minutes a day on his phone, the app he uses the most is Youtube. Sam considers himself addicted to technology because when he’s not on his phone he’s either on Xbox or watching Netflix. Technology has kept Sam unproductive from school work because he says when he doesn’t want to do homework he gets on his phone. Before bed Sam says he spends at least 2 in a half hours watching Youtube and its something just for him to do because he would usually stay up anyways no matter what. Sam doesn’t check his phone on weekday mornings because he lives in Bonner Springs and rushes to get to school on time in the mornings. Carpenter believes he could go 24 hours without technology because he has already went 9 days without it and he would just hangout with friends.

As a student I decided to answer some of these questions as well The average amount of time i spend on my phone a day is 4 hours and 57 minutes.The app I use the most is probably Snapchat because your constantly replying to people. I would also consider myself addicted to technology because every time i’m not doing anything or i’m bored I reach for my phone and sometimes I feel like I do it out of habit. Social media has kept me from being productive in class in many ways because every time I get bored I reach for my phone and look through all my notifications and I get on snapchat and reply to people. every night before bed I spend at least a hour on my phone either watching Youtube videos or scrolling through Instagram, Going on my phone before bed relaxes me and makes me fall asleep faster. I never have time in the mornings to check my phone because i’m always behind and rushing every morning to get to school on time because I take forever to get ready. On weekend mornings i spend at least a hour on my phone watching youtube or scrolling through Instagram or looking through Snapchats. I have already went 24 hours without my phone before and it was a interesting experience and was quite difficult.

Mr Enright is a Spanish teacher here at Olathe west and on his free time he loves to coach soccer for girls and boys. On average Mr Enright spends below the average amount of time on technology then a average person per day Mr Enright spends a Hour and 30 minutes. Enright’s words when i asked if he was addicted to technology was “absolutely Not”. When I asked him if technology was helpful to students his response was “ its a combination of both although it can be helpful it makes it very difficult for teachers to monitor their students and make sure there doing there work i do think its harmful in a lot of ways because kids sit in seminar in silence and on there phones instead of sitting and talking to each other and making new friends or doing their work” When I asked the question if he could go 24 hours without technology his response was “ it would be a challenge to have no technology because the obligations I have because he’s dependent on it as a coach and for work” The app Mr Enright used the most was Imessage because he has to communicate with family and friends.

I thought interviewing people from around my school was super fun and interesting because it shows how Teens are so addicted to their electronics while most likely adults aren’t as addicted to it as our generation.

