How Important is our Mobile Phone to Us?

Erwin Acosta
Technology in the new ERA
3 min readMar 13, 2018

Have you ever gone out and left your phone behind? The anxiety, the thought and sense of ‘nakedness’ or even that little panic you have when your mobile phone is not on you. I can’t lie I’ve been through that a couple times. I love my phone not going to deny that, it’s got everything I need, data, camera, social media, calls and message. It can almost do everything and anything in regards to my everyday use. Mobile phones today have hit the world by storm in the last decade. In today’s modern era growing up with a smart mobile phone is normal it is often rare you will see an individual not own a smart phone. Mobile phones have evolved into this new craze, where everyone just wants the latest Samsung phones or apple iPhone. Mobile phones have influenced our generation but some people would argue that’s it influenced in a good or bad manner. People are so invested into their mobile phones that it may come across as an addiction due to the average hours an individual uses their phone daily. Per an article by the telegraph UK written by Richard Alleyne, “a study shows that young people are now so addicted to their mobile phones it feels like they have lost a limb when they are not without them”. (Alleyne. R, 2011 19 APR. The young generation are “addicted” to mobile phones. The Telegraph UK.) With mobile phones of course comes social media, now let’s be real who isn’t refreshing their social media apps every minute, seeking for the latest memes to tag your friends in?

As a kid growing up, phones didn’t interest me nor did I ever have the urge to have one at a very young age, unlike in today’s era children are brought up heavily invested into technology especially mobile phones. I remember getting my first very phone in year 6, it wasn’t anything special, a Sony Ericson flip phone. Flip phones were a thing back then but now it’s all about the smart phones, everything has to be touch screen. Couldn’t do much on it except make simple texts and calls, it was in year 8 when I first got my smart phone a HTC android. It was cool I could do more stuff on it and that’s when I discovered the world of “apps” or applications, I remember browsing the app store for hours trying to find the best games to download and install or screensaver apps. In year 10 I got my first apple iPhone and it was the iPhone 5, that’s when I believe everything changed. That was the time when everyone was on social media blew up especially twitter, skype, snapchat, Facebook and Tumblr. That was when I found myself being glued onto my phone for hours, browsing, refreshing doing everything I possibly could on my phone. Still to this very day, I always have to have my phone on me, I can never go anywhere without it or else I know I am going to be bored without it. In my opinion mobile phones are so resourceful in so many aspects in today’s world, that’s why I think why mobile phones are so valued and valuable in the modern world of digital technology.


