How to Write Effective AI Art Prompts

Benjamin Fernandes
Published in
7 min readDec 14, 2023

The article contains tips for writing an effective AI art prompt. It also talks about the factors you need to consider and provides examples that you can use to improve your AI game.

This new kid in town is redefining almost every major aspect of professional and creative processes. From medical research to poetry, this kid can help in almost anything. The kid’s name is Artificial Intelligence.

We are all well aware of AI and how it is going to be the next “big thing.” However, to extract the full potential of AI, you need to send your message across as effectively as possible. For generating artistic output with AI. Understanding and giving effective AI prompts becomes a thing to think twice about.

As it explains to the model about your expectations, written prompts or AI image prompts become a make-or-break factor. Let’s explore these prompts for AI art generators in detail and how we can create exceptional output with the simplest prompts.

How do AI Art Generators Work?

To understand how to write effective AI art prompts, it’s essential to grasp how these digital artists work. At their core, the best AI art generators are built on complex algorithms and neural networks. Picture these networks as millions of interconnected neurons, similar to a human brain, learning and evolving with each piece of information they process.

When you input a prompt, the AI sifts through its vast database of images and artistic styles. It understands context, color, form, and even abstract concepts to a certain extent. The process is akin to an experienced artist who draws upon years of seeing and learning art, except the AI does this at a speed and scale far beyond human capability.

How to Write AI Art Prompts

Writing an AI art prompt is both an art and a science. The goal is to communicate your vision clearly and vividly to the AI. Here’s how:

1. Start with a Clear Vision

Before crafting your prompt, have a distinct vision of what you’re aiming to create. Visualize the scene in your mind or even sketch it out briefly on paper. This initial clarity helps immensely in developing a prompt that conveys your idea effectively to the AI. A well-defined vision acts as a foundation for a more precise and impactful image generation.

2. Be Descriptive but Concise

When prompting AI for image creation, use vivid, descriptive language to create a clear picture. For example, instead of simply saying “a serene lake at sunset,” elaborate with “a tranquil lake mirroring the fiery hues of the setting sun, with distant mountains forming elongated shadows.” This added detail paints a more vivid picture. However, it’s important to maintain clarity and avoid over-complication. The AI interprets your request best when it’s descriptive yet straightforward.

3. Use Sensory Words

To add depth to your image requests, engage multiple senses through your choice of words. Descriptors like ‘glistening,’ ‘rustling,’ ‘fragrant,’ or ‘echoing’ help evoke a more immersive sensory experience. This approach allows the AI to grasp the atmosphere and essence of the scene you’re envisioning.

4. Specify Styles or Themes

If you have a specific art style or theme in mind, include it in your prompt. For instance, mentioning “in the style of Impressionism” or “a futuristic cyberpunk cityscape” helps direct the AI’s creative process according to your preference. It’s also helpful to mention if you want the image to evoke certain emotions or moods, such as ‘melancholic,’ ‘joyful,’ or ‘mysterious.’

5. Balance Specificity and Transparency

Finding the right balance between being too vague and overly specific is crucial. While it’s important to provide the AI with enough detail to understand your vision, leaving some elements open to interpretation can lead to more creative and unexpected results. For example, instead of detailing every aspect of a character in a scene, you might specify key characteristics and leave the rest to the AI’s creativity.

6. Incorporate Context or Backstory

If relevant, adding a bit of context or backstory can enrich the image. For example, mentioning that the serene lake is part of an ancient, mystical forest or that the cyberpunk cityscape is the last bastion of humanity in a post-apocalyptic world can add layers of meaning and depth to the image.

7. Use Literary Devices

Enhance your prompts with literary tools like metaphors, similes, and personifications. These devices add a layer of depth, emotion, and creativity to your descriptions. For instance, “the sun setting like a melting gold coin into the ocean” or “trees whispering secrets in the breeze” can provide the AI with a richer, more nuanced context to work from.

8. Incorporate Moods or Emotions

Beyond physical descriptions, convey the mood or emotion of the scene. Use phrases that encapsulate feelings, like “a melancholic cityscape under a rain-soaked sky” or “a vibrant festival scene pulsating with life and color.” This helps the AI not just visualize the scene but also imbue it with the intended emotional depth or atmosphere.

9. Specify Time and Lighting

The ambiance of an image is greatly influenced by the time of day and lighting conditions. Clearly state if the scene is set at dawn with the first light of day, during a fiery sunset, under a tranquil moonlit night, or in the harsh light of a midday sun. This will help set the mood and tone, giving the AI vital cues for lighting and shadow.

10. Include Inspirational Sources

If your vision is inspired by specific artworks, artists, or genres, include these references in your prompt. For instance, “a landscape infused with the vivid colors and emotional intensity reminiscent of Van Gogh’s Starry Night” can guide the AI towards a particular artistic style or technique.

11. Be Mindful of Colors and Textures

Colors and textures are pivotal in bringing your vision to life. Specify if you’re envisioning a monochromatic palette, a burst of vibrant hues, or a particular textural quality such as the smoothness of watercolors, the richness of oil paints, or the crispness of digital art. This helps the AI understand the aesthetic and tactile qualities you’re aiming for in your image.

Additional AI Art Prompt Tips to Consider

Though there is no holy grail of prompts you can use that can work for every requirement every time. However, there are several tips and tricks you can use to personalize your own prompt to generate the exceptional artwork that you intended.

1. Embrace Experimentation -AI art generators are still evolving. Sometimes, what you envision might not align perfectly with the outcome. Embrace this as part of the creative process. Experiment with different phrasings and perspectives.

2. Context Matters -If your prompt is part of a larger project or has a specific purpose, include this context. It helps the AI understand the ‘why’ behind your request, leading to more aligned creations.

3. Cultural Sensitivity -Be aware of and respectful of cultural elements in your prompts. AI, while intelligent, might not fully grasp cultural nuances, so guiding it thoughtfully is key.

4. Keep Up with Updates -The most popular AI art generators are constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest capabilities and limitations to make the most out of your prompts.

5. Feedback Loop -Many platforms allow for feedback on the generated art. Use this feature to refine the AI’s understanding of your style and preferences.

Final Thoughts

Imaginative thinking and creating artwork were solely the errands of a human. Our ability to think outside the box and imagine things creatively is what sets us apart. But now AI is coming as a new player that creates “Art” out of thin air.

While it’s still dependent on human prompts, artificial general intelligence will be a step forward and will probably mark an era where these AI machines achieve SINGULARITY. But for now, creators can leverage this technology to create exceptional artwork, all with the help of written and AI image prompts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is a good prompt for AI art?

A1. A good prompt for AI art is clear, descriptive, and imaginative. It should provide specific details about the subject, setting, style, and mood. For example, “a tranquil forest at dawn with sun rays piercing through the mist, in a watercolor style” is effective. It’s also beneficial to strike a balance between guidance and creative freedom, allowing the AI to interpret and add its own artistic flair.

Q2. How can I create my own AI art?

A2. To create your own AI art, you need access to the most popular AI art generator. These are often available online as web services or apps. Once you have access, formulate a prompt that describes the scene or concept you want to create. Input this prompt into the AI art generator. You can experiment with different prompts, styles, and descriptions to see how the AI interprets your ideas. After generating the art, you can refine your prompts based on the outcomes to better align with your vision.

Q3. Can I use any style reference in my AI art prompt?

A3. Yes, you can reference various artistic styles in your prompts for a good AI art generator, like Impressionism, Surrealism, or even specific artists like Van Gogh or Da Vinci. However, be mindful that the AI’s interpretation may not be an exact replica but an emulation of the style’s essence.

Q4. How specific should I be in my AI art prompts?

A4. The specificity of your prompt for a top AI art generator should balance detail with flexibility. While important details like setting, mood, and key elements should be specific, leaving some aspects open-ended encourages creative interpretations by the AI.

Q5. Can AI art generators create complex scenes?

A5. AI art generators can create complex scenes, but the clarity of the outcome depends on how well the prompt is constructed. Clear, well-structured prompts that logically describe each element of the scene can lead to more coherent and detailed results from a top AI art generator.



Benjamin Fernandes

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