Fill Your Pocket (Episode 1)

Ahmed Rashwan
Technology, Invention, App, and More
4 min readJul 17, 2015


A weekly series where i will select a number of articles from around the web about different fields of interest so that you can save them into your (pocket) app.

If you don’t know pocket check there website , I believe it’s a must for anybody who loves to read as it makes reading _especially long articles which will represent most of the articles here_ a more pleasant experience , however you can just bookmark the articles in your preferred browser.

Tech :

The resignation of “ellen pao” the interim CEO of “reddit” has sparkled a lot of interest into the website’s major identity problem and the rising anger of its users over the new rules which led to ellen’s resignation.

“hacking team” a security company that made many deals with third world countries and even the FBI to provide them with programs to hack into people’s personal computers and mobile phones has been hacked and a 400 gb of data were published including many security holes that the team used.

Other tech related articles.

Science & space :

NASA’s “new horizons” probe finally reached its destination at the edge of our solar system after 9 years of its departure from earth.

Other science & space related articles :

Random Topics :

Photo By : Steve A Johnson used under creative commons

A 3 parts series on sleep , dreaming and wakefulness .

A very long but beautiful read about how EA (Electronic Arts) has changed throughout its 33 years history of building video games.

Another multiple pages long read about “Elon Musk” an entrepreneur who disrupted multiple industries with his creative ideas .

An article about WikiLeaks the website that is a home of millions of classified leaked documents that reveal how politics , economy and nation-wide surveillance are run.

Old But Gold :

In this section i’m going to post some interesting articles that i saved into my pocket account across nearly 2 years ,although they might contain some old data but i think they have a lot of value.

Feel free to suggest new articles in the comments section and recommend the series if you like it :) .



Ahmed Rashwan
Technology, Invention, App, and More

A computer engineering student from Egypt loves reading about Tech , science , space , software engineering and everything else .