Tesla’s self-driving trip

Brian Hart
Technology, Invention, App, and More
1 min readNov 20, 2016

Earlier this week Tesla Motors posted a video of a fully-autonomous drive from a Los Altos Safeway to Tesla’s Palo Alto headquarters. The video is sped up 3–4x with the catchy (and licensed?) Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones.

You can see that video on this page.

More informative, however, is this version that attempts to show the trip in real time (though it still feels a little too fast to me).

There’s a lot going on here, and I’d be interested in seeing a version that’s 4K, includes input from all the cameras, and runs around 10 fps. There are a few hiccups here and there — I won’t list them because they’ll be discussed at length elsewhere — but overall it’s an impressive demonstration. There we are few times where the car seemed to stop for unknown reason (not near an intersection or an evident obstacle), which would concern me if someone was following too close.

Update: In this version below, someone has taken the medium range forward camera output and put it in front of the driver:

On a personal note, it always blows my mind that this is being developed right on my doorstep. The video starts 5 miles from my house!



Brian Hart
Technology, Invention, App, and More

Father, husband, tech manager at LinkedIn, and occasional virtual reality writer. Opinions are my own, etc etc.