Top 5 features to look for, if you’re buying a high end smartphone this fall (part 2)

Junaid Naseer
Technology, Invention, App, and More
4 min readJun 26, 2015

Welcome to the part 2 of the article. Here, I will discuss about the rest of the features worth having in your high end smartphone.

Almost every top of the line smartphone has these, so make sure the one you are buying should include these as well.

Granular Camera controls

Having a good camera is an essential part of a smartphone experience.

There is no excuse left for manufacturers to install a mediocre camera on an expensive device.

But, let’s move ahead of a good camera experience. If you are a camera aficionado, your next device should have ‘granular camera controls’ built into the camera software.

These camera controls give you a manual control over the exposure, shutter speed, ISO and white balance etc. Indeed, several manufacturers are integrating these manual controls in their camera softwares. Lg recently did a great job with Lg G4.

Wide angle front camera

Taking selfies was never more fun. Even smartphone manufacturers recognize this and are releasing devices with specialized front camera that can take great selfies.

Heck HTC even released a smartphone, which had the same resolution camera on the front as on the back.

The wide angle front camera can take a wide image so that you and your friends can easily accommodate in a picture.

I know this is not something for everyone, but why not have the ability to take a great selfie when you need it no matter how seldom it might be.

Optical image stabilization (OIS)

OIS makes taking images in the dark, a breeze. Even in dimly lit interiors or at night time, images come out bright and look amazing.

Now, we all take a lot of images from our smartphones and they are mostly capable of taking great shots during the daytime. But we also capture shots at night a lot including night time parties and weddings and they don’t come out as well as the ones taken during the daytime.

OIS changes all that and allows you to take beautiful pictures at night time as well. It also makes videos more stable despite shaky hands. So make sure the device you are going to buy does support OIS or you will be let down from its camera in the long run.

Quick charge 2.0 and wireless charging

Next up on the list is ‘Quick charge 2.0’ technology, which lets you charge your device extremely fast. With this technology you can recharge 50% of your smartphone’s battery in like half an hour.

Coming to wireless charging; it’s all the rage these days and it surely is the technology of the future. It allows you to charge your device wirelessly. All you have to do is to put your device on a charging pad and your smartphone starts to charge.

Although, for this to happen, your device should have a chi wireless charging capability built into it. As wireless charging pads are becoming more widely available, you are going be glad your device support the hardware to take advantage of it.

Gorilla glass 4

In the end is the feature that we all terribly need.

A strong and sturdy gorilla glass 4 covering the front of our smartphones, so when we drop it, and we all drop it, we can be sure, that it’s not going to crack up the screen that easily.

Gorilla glass 4 is the latest technology that is much sturdier than the gorilla glass 3 that covers almost every smartphone screen that came out last year.

It is therefore imperative that your device has the best protection possible for its screen, because that is where all the fun happens.

That concludes the part two of this article. I hope it is helpful for those who are planning on buying a smartphone soon or waiting for the next big thing to get released.

If I’ve missed a feature that you are looking for in your desired device, do share it with me in the comments.

Also read: Top 5 features to look for, if you’re buying a high end smartphone this fall (part 1)

Originally published at on June 8, 2015.

