Why am I a fan of Open Source & I ask you to be one too !?

Technology, Invention, App, and More
2 min readSep 1, 2015
The open software I love!

Speaking of Open Source software makes you think about the free & supportless software that people can use just for simple developments. but I don’t think so!

I remember when I first introduced to Open Source community I had the same Idea. The first Open Source software that I used was Wordpress. I was enjoying it’s simplicity, security & speed ; But it wasn’t going like that forever!

The community that I love loved!

After a month with Wordpress I faced with a lot of problems that I couldn’t solve. So sometimes I became disappointed from pushing, and decided to omit the question rather than giving it an answer!

That was when I got familiar with the Community. It was so sweet of them that they simply answered you without expectation of being paid. And then, I started loving Open source!

If we make it progress, It can provide free and professional software that everyone can access, modify & has a share in it.

An Open Source software isn’t just a bunch of free code! It is a motivation that progresses with being used by people.

But now we face with this question:

How can we help an open source software?

If we want it to progress and compete with the paid Software, we simply have to use it & the more important point is that we have to share our knowledge! As a developer open software really helped me; from the OS that I use in my computer to every single project I finish, I use open source and it’s community. & I have always tried to help every one’s problem with the knowledge I own.

This can make any kind of software free, powerful, and supported & provides the very best software for you & for free.



Technology, Invention, App, and More

Iranian student, blogger, software developer and hobbyist photographer http://poriya.ir