Will robots stand against mankind one day?

possibilities and logical explanations

Technology, Invention, App, and More


Before you begin…

First and foresight I want you to read this article patiently and clearly. This is not a Science Fictional movie. I explain with reasons and express logically and easy-understanding for you. I am not here to fill your brain with imagination and fictions.

When it’s time to speak about technology and it’s progress anyone would think about making life easier, doing things fast ,producing amazing produces and etc.

Almost no one thinks that one day created things by us may be able to dominate men. but in this article I want to explain why are some people afraid about this event and is it even possible?

Is it possible?

There is a rule in Philosophic researches that says: “Every creature that is made by a creator, can’t dominate it’s creator.”

Now I want to examine this rule.Can robot overcome men? Lets go back to the theory of robots. What do they do? They usually do what they are programmed and they will do it and repeat it all the time. If they are just repeating things that a humankind says then do they think? Can they ignite a riot against humanity? Of course not.

The thing that I want to tell you is that we should not care about robots. The main thing that we have to care is Artificial intelligence. (in this article I call it A.I.)

Why? It’s simple. Because they are the things that we made and the things that can think and act Independently. Everyday there is a new development in this field. It gets better and better and it finally gets better than humankind and thinks without hesitation, finds things swiftly and the most important thing: Requires only power for staying alive.

Imagine that you leave an smart robot equipped with A.I. in space. It will have chance a lot of times more than a man to survive. More than a man that if you take him one meter up and one meter down, he may be dead.

So if they have the opportunity to think better that men (and certainly faster than men), does anything guarantee that they don’t consider men slow and abolished and try to alter the situation of the earth and overcome humankind? Nothing does it.

Some people may say that “They can’t do such thing, because they don’t feel.” Well my answer is that: “How do you now that they DON’T?”

“I think , so , I am real” This is a rule. if you are thinking, then you are exactly the thing that you are thinking about, and you are real. As you know this is called Self-concept. If an A.I. can think so it can have an Self-concept about what it is, and certainly knows or Prepares some goals and senses for himself.

So finally we have the answer of the question: It is possible.

Men as slaves

my uncle says:

Technology is progressing so fast that your can’t see your past. I remember about 23 years ago _when we were teenager_, we were considering to buy a computer with 8Mbs of RAM and that was too funny_& expensive_ for us to have such a high amount of RAM!

See how tech grows? it grows as an Algorithm. It means that the more time it grows the more speed it gets. This progress is making men to rely on Tech & gadgets to do lots of Vital things for them.

As it gets more comprehensive, the more you will make use of it and your life will be dependent on using it. Ten years ago no one imagined today’s communicational needs. But now everybody needs them.

So they do the things for you. They cook for you, they wash for you, and they raise you in their Uterus & etc. As they do that you’ll be their slave. And slowly you’ll be more dependent on them and it goes so up that they even think instead of you.

And suddenly they may think that you are so slow and your generation is abolished and maybe they decide to revise the generation of creatures and try to kill us. as it happens in Avengers:Age of ultron .

From religions

Different religions have different ideas about the judgment-day and etc.

I believe that people have earned their soul from god. So they are a part of the soul of god. Well if god can create something, then the spirit of god is able to do it too. So we are able to create alive things as we do with A.I.s.

That’s when we start creating A.I.s that are much more powerful than us. And this can lead to our Extinction. As they would think that we smell like dinosaurs!

Final thoughts

Why did I explained these things? what can we do about them. No one knows.

As writer my job is examining and writing but not predicting. yes, I’m not a predictor and there is nothing that we can do about this.

If a judgment-day is going to be happened, we can’t stop it. This article was only explaining the possibility of this disaster. But the final conclusion is that A.I.s and generally all of the created thing by human kind will have the ability to think and maybe they became capable of igniting a Riot against humankind.

the end

feel free to give me your opinions and ideas about this matter.



Technology, Invention, App, and More

Iranian student, blogger, software developer and hobbyist photographer http://poriya.ir