How to Start E-Waste Recycling Business: Opportunities, Plan

Dheeraj Budhori
Technology Learner
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2021


Whatever we use, we are surrounded by electronic devices, from televisions to our kitchen appliances. Have you ever wondered where they are going after they have been damaged? They are somewhere obviously dumped like ordinary scrap nadir garbage. But since none of the products used in electric appliances are biodegradable, this poses a major challenge to our climate. Such e-waste management is not only beneficial for the environment, but also a productive industry. Currently, considering the growth rate, the volume of e-waste will reach nearly 0.7 million MT by 2015 and 2 million MT by 2025.

In addition, when you reuse good sections of such electronic waste, it is very useful. You may turn it into a venture of business. The e-waste recycling business can help you get a range of materials from them, so you can recycle them and get valuable materials and then recycle the unusable parts instead of throwing them directly into incinerators.

Business Opportunity

E-waste recycling gives rise to a whole new product and also helps us save money and the world’s rapidly depleting resources. But you will have to have sufficient experience and understanding of how the market works before starting any kind of business. Instead of only upgrading the program, many people nowadays discard their old computers to purchase new ones. In addition, most electronic devices come with a life span of at most 2–3 years. More and more new devices are being implemented a life span method to deal with e-waste, and the amount of e-waste recycled is also rising.

Before you start your business, it is important to obtain a business license. It’s also really important to register your place of work with the necessary authorities or you can take help from team corpseed. You can also visit a few companies dealing with e-waste recycling in addition to your research, and learn their trade secrets and operations in person. Having a first-hand experience gives you a fair understanding about what you are doing.

When dealing with e-waste, one very important aspect is to find an appropriate location to set up your plant. It is advisable to choose a place at a distance from the main city or from any venue. But during the recycling process, you will still have to be aware about the noxious emissions from the plant. A no-objection notice from the locality would have to be received. It is also necessary to create a secure dismantling unit.

Stages of E-Waste Business Recycling

  1. Collection of and sorting of electronic waste without breaking the components
  2. Investing in a decent dump yard for e-waste collection and storage
  3. Recycling processes are also essential for screening, processing, reuse, granulating and conditioning.
  4. A significant step in e-waste recycling is the dismantling process in recycling plant.
  5. Dismantling is the process in which electronic waste is dismantled into its components.
  6. It is done to recover different precious metals.

Steps Involved in E-waste Recycling Process

The e-waste recycling process is slightly different from most of the other waste. Recycling here does not mean to recycle a product completely, rather it is to separate an item into different parts and then sell it to the manufacturer. Money earned by a recycler, the work he does, often involves breaking up complex parts into various individual products and then carefully separating them from each other and then selling them for further use as raw materials.

  • Picking: Picking is the method of gathering e-waste goods in one place, then extracting some of the components of such electronics that are not to be recycled, such as wooden components, plastics, batteries, etc.
  • Shredding: It is the process by which large pieces of e-waste are broken down into small sections. The method includes steps in which the first steps break the pieces into 10 times smaller sizes and the next step further decreases the size to the point that it can be further segregated.
  • Magnetic Removal: Things that are made from steel and iron are removed using magnet. The magnet is primarily an electromagnet with a powerful magnetic force.
  • Metallic and Non Metallic Separation
  • Separation by Water: Plastics and glass are separated from other sticky materials by using water. Lead containing products are sent for further cleaning and batteries are manufactured using the lead collected. The plastic that is collected is used for the recycling and manufacture of other items. Other electronic items are grounded, melted, and used

Steps Involved in Starting an E-waste Recycling Business

One can go ahead with the business process after knowing the process of e-waste recycling. Planning, investment, paperwork and official formalities, resources and utilities, workspace selection, benefit, etc. We discussed above but now you are clear, here are some of the common steps involved in starting an E-waste business.

  • Make a strategy and Business Plan
  • Select the Location of your Business
  • Registration For Business License
  • Capital Investment
  • Staff and Manpower


It can be beneficial and profitable for you to start an e-waste recycling business, as well as save the earth from being more and more polluted. Learn more about Procedure and guidance for E-Waste Recycling business, Connect with team Corpseed for more details on applicable laws.



Dheeraj Budhori
Technology Learner

Dheeraj Budhori, an Internet Researcher, started his Optimizer journey in 2019. His top executive is his passion for search engine analysis & user psychology