The Numb Moments

Manisha Mishra
Technology Literary Society
2 min readMay 9, 2017

Life has its own ups and downs for sure,

This has passed down to us from ages of lore.

This too shall pass away, says everyone

Sure it will pass, But what stays back bothers no one.

Uphills are most times stagnant water, don’t change as much;

With a few ripples of happiness, our lives they touch.

Downhills, ummm.…I don’t know, sometimes they are angels,

Other times they are sharks.

Be it sharks or angels, whatever they are,for times to come they become turning points;

What they leave back is dark numb moments.

Such is a story of a girl I know,

Times of today have given a hard blow.

Hats off to her today cause she still stands strong,

Despite struggling to fight back the storm all alone.

This too will pass away we all know.

What remains back , I will tell now.

Rationale will replace courage now;

Faking her feelings will be her saviour oh wow!

Spontaneity will just leave her side

For anything she does, she will think twice.

Her golden soul with few flaws here and there,

Will grow defensive, protective and nurture suspicion in the rear.

Her emotions will fail her confidence true,

Numb she will become after a days few.

She will adjust, accommodate and avoid any problems new,

Will gag her mouth rather than speak against whoever gave her blues.

Between the rock on the seas and her you will find no difference in particular,

Indifferent, she will be as the rock, to the waves that lash her one after the other.

Night and days to her will all seem the same,

B’cause her eyes were wide open but no one could read them.

How can they read, when their ears they have already shut,

When she clearly said she was harassed.

Her fault was all that she did not calculate when and how to say so.

While trying to nip it in the bud, they said it had no intention to bloom

After it bloomed, they say prove beyond reasonable doubt, had you not given it the room?

She will chuck it within her tears may be, forever

Fear will haunt her for times to come and hope for justice will never return however.

