Startup Spotlight: Who Is Drift?

Kayleigh Shooter
Technology Magazine
3 min readApr 29, 2020

We take a closer look at Drift, who was named in our ‘Top ten technology startups’ in this month’s edition of Technology Magazine.

Drift prides itself in being the first conversational marketing platform and is the new way businesses buy from businesses. It is building an enduring company and a platform that emphasizes the value of human interactions and connection. They put the customer at the centre of everything they do.

Drift’s intense customer focus is central to what it does. Without it, they say that they would be just another SaaS company. The company partners with its customers to ensure their success because it is widely understood that happy, successful customers are central to the success of the company.

The company’s brand is focused on authenticity, transparency and honesty. It believes in an open future and believes in friends and partners. These beliefs inform everything that they do at Drift.

Since being founded in 2015, Drift has served over 50,000 happy customers and have won many awards such as being in LinkedIn’s top 100 startups for 2018.

Drift offers a wide range of services such as:

  • Live Chat: Connect your sales team through chatbots.
  • Video Services: Close more deals through the use of sales videos.
  • Email Services: Engage your leads through conversational emails.
  • Automation: Automate your buying experience with AI-powered solutions.

What are people saying?

“We love how Drift has streamlined our lead creation process. We’re talking to potential customers earlier in the sales process and saving both their and our time by automating the calendaring and support request process via Drift.” — Ben Nettesheim, Senior Director of Digital Marketing at SalesRabbit

Read more about the SalesRabbit case study, here.

Drift has recently announced the launch of Drift Audiences. This is the first solution that unifies your sales and marketing data silos to reveal who is on your website and where, so you can engage in real-time conversations and unlock new revenue.

With Drift Audiences you can:

  • Drive more engagement from pages with the most traffic: Your web analytics tools tell you who is on your website, but that’s not enough. Drift Audiences tells you which pages are getting the most traffic, how many of your site visitors you’re engaging with, and how many of those are converting into leads. Even better, Drift Audiences allows you to take action on this data so you can create personalized conversations with these visitors in real-time, based on the size of the business, their industry, their location and even on whether or not you have engaged with them in the past.
  • Increase ROI from your marketing campaigns: Drift Audiences will instantly tell you which site visitors are coming to your site from a specific marketing campaign so you can target them with consistent messaging and accelerate conversion to revenue.
  • Give VIP visitors the white glove experience: Drift Audiences allows you to identify target accounts on your website so you can deliver a 1:1 experience, including connecting the account owner so they can engage in a real-time conversation while the account is still on your website.

Discover new audiences: You need to be prepared for your VIP target accounts. But what about the opportunities you don’t even know you’re missing? Drift Audiences will proactively discover new audiences that are coming to your website and empower you to take action, opening up a new stream of qualified leads.

