ChatGPT: Breathing New Life into LLMs(Large Language Models)

sriram c
Technology at Nineleaps
4 min readAug 28, 2023

When we trace back the timeline of advancements in artificial intelligence, LLM or “Large Language Models” hold a pivotal place. Over the past few months, I’ve been immersed in studying, working on, and analyzing LLMs. This article marks the beginning of my series on LLMs, where I will be recounting my experiences, discoveries, and learnings. Will dig deeper into the LLM’s further in upcoming articles

Understanding LLMs: The Foundation of Modern AI

At its core, AI aims to replicate human abilities in machines, and one of the most big human abilities is language. LLMs (Large Language Models) play a significant role in this mission.

  1. What are LLMs?
    LLMs are like big knowledge sponges. They’ve read and learned from tons of text — from books, websites, and other sources. By studying all this information, they learn how language works, how people talk, and about a wide range of topics.
  2. Why are they called “Large”?
    It’s not just about the size of the data they learn from; it’s also about how complex their inner workings are. Imagine a massive maze where every turn is a tiny piece of language knowledge. LLMs have millions, sometimes billions, of these turns. This vast structure helps them remember and use what they’ve learned.
  3. How Do They Work?
    Think of LLMs as very advanced guessers. If you ask a question or start a sentence, they’ll guess the next word based on everything they’ve seen before. And they do this super quickly, which is why they can chat with us in real-time.
  4. Learning Like Humans?
    In some ways, yes. Just like a child learns language by listening and reading, LLMs learn from the text. The more they see, the better they get. But remember, they don’t “understand” like humans. They’re smart pattern finders.

Why LLM’s are important: A Deeper Dive into Human Language Understanding

Human language isn’t just about words; it’s about meaning, intention, context, and emotion. Traditional models, though effective to an extent, often grapple with the many sides of language. They could interpret words but often missed the layered context that we, as humans, naturally infer. Here’s where LLMs make a significant difference:

  1. Grasping Nuances: Language is filled with subtleties like idioms, metaphors, and cultural references. LLMs, with their extensive training on vast textual datasets, have an edge in understanding these nuances. So, whether you’re using a local saying or a special term, LLMs can usually understand what you mean.
  2. Contextual Understanding: Imagine typing a query into a search engine like, “Best practices for following design patterns in your system architecture”. While a traditional model might offer generic results on design patterns, an LLM delves deeper. Recognizing the intricate connection between “design pattern” and “system architecture”, it could suggest specific design patterns ideal for robust system architecture.
  3. Enhanced Customer Interactions: Think of the last time you interacted with a customer support chatbot. The robotic, templated responses often lacked empathy and contextual understanding. LLMs are changing this way of doing things. By comprehending the sentiment and context behind a user’s query, they can craft responses that not only solve the problem but also resonate with the user’s emotions.
  4. Meaning-related Depth: Words often have multiple meanings based on context. For instance, the word “bank” can refer to a financial institution or the side of a river. LLMs are adept at determining the correct interpretation based on surrounding information, ensuring more accurate responses.
  5. Fluid Conversations: For applications like voice assistants, where conversations can meander and topics can shift rapidly, LLMs provide the fluidity needed. They can keep track of conversation threads and offer relevant inputs, much like conversing with another human.
  6. Multilingual Mastery: The global digital space is multilingual. LLMs can understand, generate, and translate across a multitude of languages, ensuring content and platforms are accessible to a broader audience.
  7. Error Mitigation: In areas like technical support or specialized queries, a slight misinterpretation can lead to drastically incorrect results. LLMs reduce such risks by cross-referencing vast knowledge bases and ensuring responses align with the user’s intent.

In essence, while traditional models viewed language as a combination of words and syntax, LLMs perceive it as a dynamic interplay of meaning, context, and emotion. This shift in understanding, powered by expansive training and sophisticated algorithms, makes LLMs invaluable in our increasingly digital world.

Challenges and Considerations:

While LLMs are groundbreaking, they are not without challenges:

  1. Bias and Ethical Concerns: Given that LLMs are trained on vast amounts of data, they may inadvertently learn and propagate biases present in these datasets. Thus, deploying LLMs without scrutinizing their outputs can lead to unintentional and sometimes harmful misrepresentations.
  2. Resource Intensiveness: Training an LLM demands significant computational resources, which can be both expensive and environmentally taxing.
  3. Over-reliance: Depending too much on LLMs can lead to reduced human oversight and interaction, potentially missing out on the intuition and emotional intelligence that humans bring to the table.

Looking Forward:

The journey of LLMs, from their start to their present state, is nothing short of amazing. With the pace of technological advancements, the potential applications of LLMs seem boundless. However, as with any technological marvel, careful application and consistent evaluation are vital.

In the upcoming articles in this series, we will delve deeper into the platforms and models like OpenAI, Azure, and Hugging Face, which have been instrumental in the rise of LLMs.

Furthermore, LLMs are a big deal in the computer world. But like all cool stuff, we gotta use them right. Can’t wait to chat more about them in my next articles!

