Simplify Your Code with Dependency Injection in C#

Ankit Gururani
Technology at Nineleaps
3 min readJun 26, 2023
Dependency injection

Have you ever struggled to manage dependencies in your C# projects? As your codebase grows, manually handling multiple dependencies can become daunting. Thankfully, there’s a solution that can streamline your code and improve its maintainability: dependency injection (DI). In this blog post, we’ll have a conversation where we explore a real-life scenario, discuss the challenges faced, and see how implementing dependency injection can provide an optimal solution.

User: Hi there! I’ve heard much about dependency injection in C# lately, but I’m not sure how to implement it. Can you give me a beginner-friendly overview?

C#: Absolutely! Dependency injection is a design pattern that helps manage the dependencies between components in your code. It allows you to write more modular and flexible code by reducing direct dependencies and promoting loose coupling.

User: That sounds interesting! How can I start implementing dependency injection in my C# projects?

C#: To implement dependency injection in C#, you can use a DI container or a DI framework. One popular choice is Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection framework. It provides a lightweight and easy-to-use DI container. Let’s walk through an example to illustrate how it works.

User: Great! I’m excited to see an example. Please show me how to use it.

C#: Sure! First, you’ll need to install Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection NuGet package. Once that’s done, you can create an instance of the ServiceCollection class, the DI container provided by the framework. Here’s a simple example:

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System;

// Define a class with a dependency
public class Logger
private readonly ILoggingService _loggingService;

public Logger(ILoggingService loggingService)
_loggingService = loggingService;

public void Log(string message)

// Define an interface for the dependency
public interface ILoggingService
void LogMessage(string message);

// Implement the dependency
public class ConsoleLogger : ILoggingService
public void LogMessage(string message)
Console.WriteLine($"Logging message: {message}");

public class Program
public static void Main()
// Configure the DI container
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddTransient<ILoggingService, ConsoleLogger>()

// Resolve the dependency
var logger = serviceProvider.GetService<Logger>();

// Use the dependency
logger.Log("Hello, world!");

In this example, we have a class called Logger that depends on an interface ILoggingService. The dependency is injected into Logger its constructor. By registering the dependency AddTransient in the DI container, we ensure that a new dependency instance is created each time it's requested.

User: Ah, I see! So the DI container creates instances and injects them into the needed classes?

C#: Exactly! The DI container manages the creation and injection of dependencies for you. It resolves the dependencies based on their registered types and provides them with the required classes.

User: That’s convenient! Are there different ways to register dependencies in the DI container?

C#: Absolutely! The ServiceCollection class provides various extension methods to register dependencies with other lifetimes. The most common ones are:

  • AddTransient: A new dependency instance is created each time it’s requested.
  • AddScoped: A new example of the dependency is created once per scope (e.g., per web request or logical operation).

In conclusion, implementing dependency injection in our C# projects can greatly simplify managing dependencies and improve code maintainability. While Microsoft.Extensions.Dependency injection is a popular choice; we also have alternatives like Autofac, Ninject, Unity, and Simple Injector. Evaluate the features and characteristics of each framework to determine the best fit for your project. Happy coding!



Ankit Gururani
Technology at Nineleaps

I am working full-time as a backend developer. Work on C#, APL, Javascript, Node.js, Express.js, My SQL, MongoDB, Git/Github, Perforce, Jira, Shortcut, etc.