How LLMs May Be Used in Court Cases

A hypothetical case as an example of how LLMs can be used in legal research.

Daniel Goldman
Technology: Past Present, and Future


I use ChatGPT and other AI tools daily. I know how useful they can be for me, but many are still apprehensive about using them. That’s understandable. If you’re not sure how to use a tool effectively, it can look useless or even dangerous.

I recently became entrenched in a discussion with a large number of lawyers, but due to a communication issue, no progress was being made. I do not speak law, natively myself, but perhaps I can rely on GPTs to translate. And so, here is a quickly drafted hypothetical legal case.

First, here’s the overall position that I am trying to make, since it was suggested that the original argument was not clear enough: Attorneys might benefit from using AI technology to search databases and other sources, for cases, citations, and other information, even in situations where counsel does not read the language in which the information is written.

A Hypothetical Case

Elias Martinez, Plaintiff,
Pine Creek Tribal Council, Defendant.
Case No. XXXX




Daniel Goldman
Technology: Past Present, and Future

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at