Revolutionizing Public Goods and Open-Source Software: Blockchain, DAOs, and IPFS
Free and open source technologies are crucial to the future of technology infrastructure. Blockchain technology can make it more sustainable.
In today’s world of pervasive digital interconnectivity, the monumental importance of the Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) ecosystems is undeniable. They provide a fertile ground for creativity and innovation, bolstered by countless contributors who often volunteer their time and expertise. However, the sustainability of these crucial platforms is increasingly under scrutiny, as the current economic model fails to provide adequate financial support for these contributors. This apparent disconnect between the value of FOSS and the rewards for its creators introduces a complex challenge.
The intricate and volatile relationship between FOSS ecosystems and their sustainability is vividly illustrated by a 2016 episode in the open-source world. In Oakland, California, a single developer disrupted global web development by simply removing 11 lines of code he had written. This incident, which briefly “broke the internet,” exposed how reliant the development of web software has become on open-source contributions. It underscored the interdependency…