The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence

Why theories from psychology, as well as anthropology and cognitive neuroscience need to be applied to the development and maintenance of AI.

Daniel Goldman
Technology: Past Present, and Future


Artificial intelligence exists at the crossroads of many different fields of study, including psychology, philosophy and ethics, computer science data science, and anthropology. In the early days of the field, a lot of emphasis was placed on true artificial intelligence. True artificial intelligence is fairly different from most of the artificial intelligence systems being developed at the moment.

True AI, also known as artificial general intelligence or AGI, is an artificial system that acts essentially the way a human acts. On the other hand, most of the forms of artificial intelligence in existence these days is simply machine learning systems, and in many cases all the system is doing is fine tuning a complex non-linear function.

Improving machine learning techniques is an important area of research, and machine learning has, in many ways, made our lives easier. Instead of hard coding models, software developers can create the frameworks for the models and allow machine learning to identify specific patterns. So for instance, instead of creating an algorithm that identified a disease…



Daniel Goldman
Technology: Past Present, and Future

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at