Transforming the Web with Artificial Intelligence

The future of the web is a living representation of our content.

Daniel Goldman
Technology: Past Present, and Future


The early internet era, known as Web 1.0, was characterized by static content. Websites served as digital brochures, offering information but little interaction. Users were passive consumers of content, limited to reading text and viewing images. This period was marked by a one-way flow of information, which restricted user engagement and participation. I grew up in this era of content and fondly remember its simplicity.

With the advent of Web 2.0, the internet transformed into a dynamic and interactive space. Social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia emerged, allowing users to generate content and interact with one another. This shift democratized content creation, fostering a more engaging and collaborative online environment. The rise of user-generated content and social networking sites exemplified this dynamic interaction, enabling users to connect, share, and contribute in ways previously unimaginable.

Now we are entering a new era of the internet. Web 3.0 is traditionally understood as the blockchain-assisted web, introducing decentralized technologies and applications. Cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized platforms aimed to create a more secure and transparent…



Daniel Goldman
Technology: Past Present, and Future

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at