Lots Of People Getting Shot Every Day Is Totally Understandable

There Is No Mystery Here. No One Should Be Surprised.

David Grace


from Fotor.com AI generation

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Everyone is talking about all the shootings, killings, random shooters, active shooters and the like happening on a daily basis as if it’s a surprise, as if they can’t figure out why it’s happening.

They act as if there is some big mystery about why so many people are getting shot in public on a daily basis.

Are they deaf, dumb and blind or just stupid? There is no mystery here. Zero.

Many People Are Stupid, Angry & Downright Nuts

Many, many human beings are stupid, reckless, angry, criminal, vengeful and downright crazy. When you allow all those people easy access to guns, there is no way lots of people won’t get shot.

What If We Gave Out Dynamite The Way We Give Out Guns?

If you had dozens of stores in every city in America selling cheap sticks of dynamite to anybody who walked in the door, would you be surprised at the sudden epidemic of houses and cars, bars and bus stops, trash cans and public spaces being blown up every day?

No, of course not.

It would be BOOM, BOOM, BOOM big time, all the time, because lots of people are idiots.

What If Everyone Could Buy Arsenic & Cyanide Whenever They Wanted?

If every drug store in America had an arsenic and cyanide section and anybody could waltz in and buy as many bottles of arsenic and cyanide gummies, powers and pills as they wanted, would anyone be surprised when thousands of people ended up dying from poison every month?


Many, Many Tens Of Millions Of Americans Have Hundreds Of Millions Of Guns

So, we’ve got guns for sale everywhere to everyone. Guns of all sizes and types. Long guns, short guns, loud guns, semi-quiet guns. Guns that can kill from 500 yards and guns that can be slipped into a back pocket or even the top of a sock and can’t accurately hit much of anything beyond a dozen feet.

Add to that the fact that firing a gun is fun, exciting, and always intimidating. It’s a thrill.

Now, stir in some facts about humans –

  • Many people are crazy.
  • Many people have uncontrolled tempers.
  • Many are assholes.
  • Very, very many people drink alcohol to the point of intoxication.
  • Many people take recreational drugs which lessen their mental abilities and at the same time reduce their inhibitions, a two-fer.
  • Many people pretty easily fall into a rage. Just ask their spouses when they wander out of the ER after “walking into a door.”
  • Many people are thieves and criminals.
  • Many people are gang members.
  • Many people have no common sense at all. Have you ever heard of the Darwin Award?

And lots and lots of these people have guns. Why are you surprised that people all over the place are getting shot?

I Wasn’t REALLY Going To Shoot Him

Someone cuts you off in traffic after you’ve had a really bad day. You angrily wave your gun at them. Then they wave their gun at you. Then you panic and think they’re going to shoot you, so you shoot at them first. Maybe you hit them or maybe you miss and then they shoot you, or maybe both of you miss and you both end up shooting a couple of innocent bystanders.

Why is stuff like that happening every single day a surprise to anyone?

It’s not a surprise. It’s totally predictable.

2 + 2 Is Always Going To Equal 4

Again, you pass around hundreds of millions of little bottles of poison to much of the population, a lotta people gonna die with foam coming out of their mouths.

You hand out hundreds of millions of sticks of dynamite to every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane who wants one, or fifty, and a lotta stuff is going to go BOOM.

If nobody had to be taught how to drive a car, or pass a test or get a license, if anyone could just jump into any car or truck or bus and start driving, and no matter how recklessly or dangerously they drove they could never be yanked out from behind the wheel, how many people would be injured or killed every day in vehicle crashes?

Lots and lots.

And if some people demanded that drivers take a class and pass a test and get a license and lose that license if they drove badly, would anyone start running around shouting that it was all a plot by the government to “take our cars away from us”?

Yes, but they would be idiots and crazy people.

Shootings Are Not Remarkable. They Are Inevitable

So, here we are not with mass, unrestricted, untrained, unlicensed access to poison or cars or dynamite, but rather many tens of millions of untrained, unlicensed humans with many hundreds of millions of all kinds of guns.

And all of them have spent much of their lives watching their TV and movie heroes blast away at the bad guys with guns of every shape and kind.

Monkey see. Monkey do.

Come on. It’s absolutely inevitable that many, many, many people are going to be shot every day.

Why is anyone, and I mean anyone surprised?


— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.