Opinions On Future Technology

Moris Goldstein
Technology: The Future
3 min readOct 5, 2020

The topic of technology in the future is a very vast subject and there are many different ways to approach it. You could research it online, interview people and even use direct observation to understand more about a topic. When tasked with researching about technology in the future, I found that interviewing individuals would be one of the best methods to collect information. I interviewed several of my family members and friends and collected all of the information to express in this blog. The information collected varied based on the people interviewed, however it assisted in understanding the topic of future technology.

“What was technology like growing up”

Mom: “Life was simple. We didn’t even have all of the technology that kids have access to today. I would never have imagined a world like this where everywhere I go, there is technology all around me. I remember going to my friends’ houses to talk with them and now my kids text their friends and play online games all day.”

Dad: “To find out information, I had to go to the library, but now my kids have information at their fingertips with smartphones. The world has been drastically changing since I was a kid and it amazes me the new technology that is being introduced daily. Honestly it shocks me what sort of new technology will be brought out in the future.”

Friends: “Growing up, we had technology like the DS or 1st generation Xbox that I would play with friends, but it has changed so much. To communicate with my friends, I just have to send them a simple text and gathering information for school is easier than ever. I remember imagining as a kid what technology would be like in the future, maybe a flying car or talking robot. However, now as an adult, the future of technology seems to have endless opportunities and I wouldn’t even begin to imagine where to start.”

“How will technology look and affect you in the future?”

Each of the individuals had different viewpoints when talking about the effect and how technology will look in the future. On the one hand, my mom thought that technology would benefit everyone, expand the opportunities for jobs and allow people to explore more than ever before. She believed that technology would be look somewhat like what is displayed in movies. My dad thought that only bad things could come out of the new technology and it would make individuals more addicted and worsen our mental health and social skills. My friends thought that technology in the future would have to have its limits, have its benefits and disadvantages and would open many opportunities for individuals. They said “Imagine a movie like Guardians of the Galaxy with the technology used, that will be somewhat what the future of technology will look like.”

The idea of technology in the future varies amongst the individuals in the future, but there is one thing that they all have in common. The future can be whatever you make it and it will be spontaneous and a real sight to see. Technology will always be changing with its benefits and disadvantages, but its up to us as individuals to shape that future for coming generations.



Moris Goldstein
Technology: The Future

Sophomore at the University at Buffalo studying Business Administration