Are You The Change We’ve All Been Looking For?

Dale Dupree
Technology Warrior
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2017

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about marketing and why I believe so firmly in the process of being different through that medium. I have been going over a lot of “successful” marketing campaigns put out by large corporations and I realize something that I feel is important, these folks have a lot of money and are constantly in your face. Really, if you think about it, their output is pretty bland but recognizable. They earned that recognition over the years and also from being so stinking large when compared to other companies/brands.

So, what are you doing to earn what they’ve built? If your marketing is following the rules of a corporate brand and you’re not big enough to pay for Super Bowl adds then do you think anyone is really paying attention? In the end, Coca Cola or Pepsi products will be the soda of choice because they’re giant corporations and control the market, sure, you could send me a bunch of their marketing that is “fun” and “hip” but in the end they show an imagine of a bottle with their product inside. Want to beat these brands and turn your product into a giant-money-sucking corporation? Get noticed. Want to get noticed? You won’t by showing me a blue background with your companies logo on it.

What I’m really getting at here is that people’s heads turn, their minds change, and their decisions are made, by you making a statement to them that there’s nothing quite like you and your product. Differentiate yourself, make your brand loud, turn heads, be a pioneer. There’s plenty of ways to describe what I’m getting at but the bottom line is that at the end of the day everyone is looking for that unique person/company/product to do business with or support because it is human nature to be a part of something that is changing the game.

So, believe you are that change. Make the rest of us believe too.

