Planning a Complex Project

Jose Solera
4 min readMar 13, 2024


By Brian Castellani — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

You made it! You were named the project manager for the new large complex project your organization approved. What now?

What’s the Scope?

First, make sure you understand the scope of what is being asked. This may be harder than you think. In many situations, the project approval includes a broad, almost featureless goal. “We need a CRM!” OK, tell me more. What does that mean? Or “we need to pay our dairymen for their milk and give them credit for high quality milk.” What does “high quality” mean? There are many other questions to ask. Send me a note at and ask for “10 Things to think about when planning a successful project”. It’ll give you material to consider and ask of your sponsor.


But let’s say it’s crystal clear and you know what the goal is. How do you go about planning such an endeavor? Hopefully you are very familiar with the subject matter but even then the technology can be complex. Or even worse, you are brand new and your contextual knowledge is limited due to lack of time on the job.

You do the planning



Jose Solera

Jose, a very experienced project and program professional and leadership coach, with experience in large and small organizations.