AI in Bioinformatics: Hacking Life

TechnoLynx Team
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2024

We are curious beings, for sure. The field of biology has managed to unravel many secrets behind our existence and other beings. Yet, we have only scratched the surface, and light has not yet been shed on most of nature’s secrets. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t be discouraged. Certain milestones have been reached, such as the decryption of DNA through sequencing. Using AI, scientists could map and research all of our genes. The quintessence of our behaviour and feelings, aka proteins, have been deciphered with Computer Vision (CV) to the extent that they could even be synthesised or have their structure altered in 3D. The animal kingdom is no stranger to the applications of bioinformatics. Primates have been extensively studied concerning their behaviour and the results were unbelievable. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP), we have concluded that humans’ closest relatives can speak and communicate. Evolutionary biology has made strides in understanding the correlation between species and behavioural patterns, even drawing a map that could help us with the ultimate question: ‘Where did life start’?

Representation of the 3D protein structure of immunoglobulin
Representation of the 3D protein structure of immunoglobulin (AI and You: Expect More Fake AI Images; OpenAI-Musk, OpenAI-NYT Battles Continue)

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