AI in Cosmetology: Beyond Beauty — New Article!

TechnoLynx Team
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2024

Who doesn’t want to feel pretty? There are so many things out there that you can do to change your looks that you don’t know what to pick. Hairstyles, teeth, skin care, the list goes on. Of course, not all options are for everyone, and there is a whole scientific field that can verify this. Cosmetology is the science of looks. The experts can distinguish what works best for you according to your characteristics. Not all haircuts suit all faces and body types, as not all smiles are the same. And if we start talking about the skin types and routines, it would take us ages to finish.

A hair salon in South Korea where the hairdresser is consulting the client for haircut selection using the Samsung mirror display
A hair salon in South Korea where the hairdresser is consulting the client for haircut selection using the Samsung mirror display (Bizwire, 2016)

Nevertheless, even experts can make mistakes, plus you can’t always know who to tend to. This is where it gets interesting. What if AI could help you in your expedition? It can, and it is much more accessible than you think. Each of the categories mentioned above can be enhanced with AI. We have smart mirrors that you can use to rehearse a hairstyle before attempting to do it, algorithms that can scan our face and teeth and make suggestions on what to apply to achieve a dazzling smile, and even a Computer Vision algorithm that can scan our skin and give us specific details on what that dark spot that just showed up on our skin is. If such things seem intriguing, this is the article for you!

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