AI in Pharmaceutics: Automating Meds — New Article!

TechnoLynx Team
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2024

Is it possible to automate the steps required when visiting the doctor, having lab tests, or picking up your prescribed medication? What about Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs? Can we pick them up without human interaction? The answer is yes to both. AI can be implemented in the entire doctor-patient interaction, ensuring automated, paperless prescriptions, zero waiting in the queue to have your blood drawn for your upcoming lab tests, and self-pickup points that work around the clock. Vending machines are strategically placed in key areas around the city, from which you can procure painkillers and first-aid supplies.

You, as a customer and patient, will be amazed! What happens, though, with the pharmacists? Of course, they also get a share of the pie. Less human interaction means less work pressure. That is not where the AI applications end, though. The pharmacy, simply put, is a store. What do stores need? An inventory that never runs out of goods. Inventory Management Software is already a thing, but not all of them are intuitive enough to make forecasts and place orders automatically. Pharmaceutical depots, on the other hand, serve hundreds or even thousands of pharmacies daily.

Computer Vision will be their only solution in this vast field of shelves where they keep their products. And in case you were wondering about the scientists who are employed to design drugs, Virtual and Augmented Reality is going to be their best friend!

Graphic illustration of a drug capsule split in half to show its contents in the form of a circuit
Graphic illustration of a drug capsule split in half to show its contents in the form of a circuit

Read our full article to learn more!



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