AI Revolutionising Fashion & Beauty — New Article!

TechnoLynx Team
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2024

AI is transforming fashion and beauty, driving innovation and enhancing customer experiences. By 2027, the AI market in fashion is expected to grow from $270 million to $4.4 billion. Key advancements include virtual try-ons, personalised recommendations, and trend forecasting.

Virtual Try-Ons:

AI-powered virtual try-ons let customers visualise products before purchasing, reducing returns. Sephora’s AR try-on reduced shade-related returns by 35%.

Personalised Recommendations:

AI analyses past purchases and browsing habits to suggest tailored fashion items, acting like a personal stylist.

Trend Forecasting:

AI scans social media and runway shows to predict future trends, helping designers stay ahead of the curve.

Custom Fit and Tailoring:

AI captures precise body measurements for perfect-fitting clothes without physical try-ons.

Fashion Image Recognition:

Tools like Pinterest Lens use AI to find similar clothing items, enhancing the shopping experience.

Challenges include data privacy, integration with existing systems, and workforce training. However, companies like TechnoLynx offer custom AI solutions, ensuring smooth implementation and maximising benefits.

AI in fashion and beauty is not just a trend but a revolution. Embrace AI to boost customer satisfaction, stay competitive, and unlock new growth opportunities. Explore AI solutions with TechnoLynx for a future-forward business transformation.

AI/AR-based Virtual Try-on for Fashion Industry
AI/AR-based Virtual Try-on for Fashion Industry | Source: Medium

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