Moving my writing to

Harsh Sikka
Published in
Apr 30, 2019

Hey everyone!

It’s been a blast writing about ML, Synthetic Biology, Healthcare, and Technology in general, and for a long time, Medium has served me well.

Lately though, I find that I want to consolidate my writing with other content, and as such I’ve set up my own site, to host all my posts. I’ll be writing a lot more in the next few months, and I wanted to own more of my process.

I also haven’t been a huge fan of Medium’s new paywalls and community settings. I want my work to be as accessible to as many people as possible, and as such, I think this is a good time to make the move.

So, if you follow me and like what you read, consider subscribing to my new blog at

I’ll be writing a lot more about some of the crazy cool work I’ve been doing in Neuroscience Inspired ML and sharing some tech I’ve been working on, and I’d love for you to check it out!



Harsh Sikka

Grad Student at Harvard and Georgia Tech. Artificial Intelligence, Theoretical Neuroscience, Synthetic Biology, and generally cool stuff.