You’re losing focus thanks to technology

You are not alone and here is how to fix it

All Things Tech
3 min readMay 20, 2018


Don’t be a digital zombie — credit YouTube

There is a growing trend and may even be a disturbing trend in the ever-shortening attention span of human beings.

We live in a time where more and more are being made every day on the internet all the time.

And according to experts the amount of information an average human come across today is overloading our brains.

We, humans, have a finite brain capacity and when that exceeds it goes to an information overload.

Information overload coupled with FOMO (fear of missing out) drag people into a vicious cycle where people spend less amount time focused on one activity and starts wandering off spending less time in more activities while not completing any.

Creators of content also understand this, and that is why they create shorter articles because even though people read more than they used to they spend less amount of time reading a single piece of article.

Videos are getting shorter, and creators try to create shorter videos that last less than 5 minutes.

The five hour royal wedding skimmed in to few seconds

What can people do to avoid information overload?

Don’t carry a smartphone with you 24/7

Smartphones are the main cause of information overload as people are connected to the internet all the time.

Go out work out, but don’t carry your smartphone with you. Spend time outdoors by yourself or spend some time with your family and loved ones.

There is nothing called FOMO

There is nothing to be afraid of missing out. You don’t have to know everything happening around the world, you don’t have to know what Trump is tweeting.

Spend time knowing things that are important to you and improve you as a person.

Turn off notifications

One thing you can do is to turn off notifications from apps like Twitter and Instagram. You don’t have to reply to a tweet or reply to a comment all the time.

Take your time and reply when you are free and then only if you want to. Don’t get dragged into arguments on the internet, nothing good ever comes out with that.

Listen to music

Listen to music that will calm you and relax you. Have few minutes every day listening to music and ease yourself.

At first, it will be difficult to break free as it has become a part of you for a long time. But when you refuse the urge long enough you will feel the difference and your focus is definitely going to improve.

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All Things Tech

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌