Prerequisites for learning React

Kamesh Kumar Singh
Published in
Oct 26, 2020

Hola 👋!

If you want to learn React and haven’t yet started, or even if you have already started working on it and you want to know the prerequisites for learning React, you’re at a right place.

Before we start, let’s have look at what exactly React is:

According to Wikipedia:

React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.

Prerequisites to learn React:

  1. A prior knowledge of frontend technologies like HTML and CSS.
  2. A good knowledge of JavaScript — Understanding of Array functions, Callbacks and Promises, ,Higher Order Functions like map(), filter() and reduce().
  3. A decent programming knowledge — like working with variables, creating classes, writing functions, use of switch statements, conditional operators, loops and if-else statements, etc.
  4. ES6 — Get your hands dirty with ES6 syntax like fat arrow(=>) functions, object de-structuring, etc.
  5. Knowledge of DOM — How stuff are rendered on browser.


TL;DR if you have a decent knowledge about HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you can start learning React. Any step you find it difficult get your queries googled and hundreds of articles and videos will solve your problems.

