This New Age Is Full Of Technology

Jack Reacher
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2021
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It is no surprise that daily we come across some kind of amazing technology. We are often left mind blown to think that how is that even possible. The things that our grandparents did not imagine are now happening. This shows that the pace at which technology is advancing is just unreal. Technology like video animation maker was received very well the first time it hit the market but now it is seen as something very normal. This shows the fact that just how much technology has already achieved and much more is left.

There are just countless technologies that we can think of. They all were considered impossible to achieve but guess what, they did not stop us from being amazed every time. It makes our work easy and allowing us to get a lot of stuff remotely. Just by gathering our thoughts, we can realize the actual worth that it brings to our life. How many things will become impossible if only for a day technology vanishes? People are still working on new discoveries. The discoveries that can change how the world works.

We are now fully dependent on technology for everything. Even if not directly then in some way for sure. Just having the thought of living without technology sends chills down the spine. Almost all the things now use technology to get help so that they can function. Other than that technology is being used by the vast industry of various sectors. Ranging from a small shop to a multinational business you will see technology there working for the betterment of the world.

It is now becoming impossible to think that how can one survive without technology. The technology is indeed very addictive. Once you start using it you would not want to leave it. This is the reason it is difficult to part ways with. For instance, if you have a fully automatic car waiting for you so that you can drive to work, you will never be walking there. It is normal that everyone loves to get things the easy way. The hard-working approach is now vanishing as the smart working approach is all we have now. The work that used to take a decade can now be done in a single year. All of this is possible now thanks to technology.

The Technologies That Are In Full Swing

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The new and latest technologies have been accelerating to take over the world lately. However, since the outbreak of the deadly virus, we saw the world understood the worth of being online and using technology to get things done. At present, we have a range of technologies that have surrounded the world and are everywhere. Everyone is using them and getting a lot of work done quite easily.

Below are mentioned the technologies that are gaining popularity. At the moment these technologies are in the flow. Some of them are still developing and having discoveries on the daily basis. These technologies are the heads up of what the future holds for us. We can never expect how technology will amaze us in the time to come.

Artificial Intelligence

The concept that machines can think and act like humans is the prime goal of artificial intelligence. It is not that it poses any threat as of now because it is not that easy to achieve that goal. Keeping that in mind the AI is now getting good at other stuff as well. That time is far when you will see fully functioned machines roaming on the roads but what has been achieved by AI till now is not less than magic.

The increase in the demand for AI has also triggered the demand for new AI professionals. The job market has expanded and subsequently, there is a good number of vacancies that have opened up for those who are studying AI. Even mobile game development services are using AI to bring things up a notch.

The Internet Of Things

The process where the things are connected with each other with the help of the internet so that they can be controlled remotely is called IoT. We have seen it making a good impact on people lately. How cool is the idea of actually be able to control your home’s electrical appliances with your phone? The amazing fact here is that all the data is in the cloud so you can have it controlled by being anywhere in the world.

This technology is so wide but at the time home automation is one of the best things it has made possible. It is helping people save time and electricity both at the same time.

The 5G Technolgy

The people are still not over the idea of 3G and 4G but as 5G will make its way into the market, everyone will be left flabbergasted. It will be so much more powerful and strong in the means of data packets and bandwidth. It will allow us to browse the internet at a much faster speed. The download, as well as the upload speed, will be so good.

All the big companies are working to launch 5G technology and there will be tough competition. People will only be choosing the best one out there both in the features and the price.

The Cyber Security

Many people just find it surprising for cybersecurity to see in this list. Wee, it is true that this technology has been around for a good time now bus till it has been doing wonders.

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The threat from the hacker and online attackers will be going to go away any time soon so the best way to deal with them is to have a full-proof security system that just can not be breached. Especially the big organizations that handle the data of the clients must have a good security system so that the data can never be compromised at any cost.

You will find a lot of videos on YouTube made by animated video maker that explains us the dangers of having the data compromised.



Jack Reacher

Passionate about Personal Development, Technology, and Social Media Marketing or other platform