Amazon AI Conclave 2019

My summary of Amazon AI Conclave’s 2019 edition

Ajay Kumar S
3 min readDec 22, 2019


What is Amazon AI Conclave?

Amazon AI Conclave is an invite only free event that helps in understanding how to build smart, customer-centric, scalable solutions in the cloud and on the edge using Amazon’s broadest and deepest set of machine learning and AI services.

This years’ AI Conclave was held on Dec 19,20 at ITC Gardenia, Bengaluru, India. The sessions and the complete schedule for the event is listed here. The day 1 events were primarily focused on Business and Entrepreneurs, hence I had registered for the day 2 events. The day was jam packed with different tracks relating to Machine Learning and AI.


Amazon and its evangelists have still not recovered from the re:Invent 2019 fever. Every session which had Amazon employees as speakers started with the typical AI stack at Amazon and the new services launched by AWS this year.

AWS re:Invent 2019 update

by Denis Batalov, Worldwide Technical Leader, ML & AI, AWS

The first keynote was on the re:Invent 2019 updates and the services announced by AWS. The most noticeable one for this conference was the AWS ML Stack which had pretty heavy feature rich portfolio of services.

Software –Your Journey from Data to Insight

by Akanksha Balani, Region lead -Intel® Software

Alexa, what can I do now?

by Sohan Maheshwar, Evangelist, Alexa Skills

An energy packed super informative keynote on various skills which Alexa has to offer. The session had the right mix of humor, knowledge and the wow-factor.

Amazon SageMaker: Rapid Model Development

by Vidhi Kastuar — Senior Product Manager, Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker: Building and Managing ML Pipelines at scale

by Mukesh Karki — Engineering Manager, Amazon SageMaker

Both of these sessions were a repeat of the keynote. Honestly, disappointing first half! Perhaps I did not chose the right track to attend. I could not resist but had to tweet..! :)

Building applications powered with computer vision

by Nicholas Walsh, Senior Evangelist, AWS

Finally, Nicholas Walsh showed us how to build applications using some live demo along with his blazing fast, well structured and detailed real world examples with apt scenarios using the various AI Services offered by AWS. The first amazing track session of the day…true legend!

ML on Amazon EKS

by Arun Gupta, Principal OS Technologist, AWS

Probably the best session of the day, since I could relate and take back lots of learnings from the ML capabilities on Kubernetes, Serverless and the Open Source ecosystem. Key takeaways— Kubeflow, MiniKF, KFServing, AWS Cloud 9, Feature store — Feast and Amazon Sagemaker Operators for Kubernetes (Open Source).

And yay! I got a response from Arun Gupta, who is also one of my visionaries after Dr. Venkat Subramaniam and Josh Long.


a) Wipro: HOLMES™ E-KYC Controller/Financial Extractor
b) Blazeclan: Real Time actionable insights and sentiment analytics
c) Lumiq: — Automating customer center and enhanced customer experience
d) Quantiphi: AthenasOwl — AI Product for Video content analysis and tagging

I personally liked the demo by “Quantiphi”. The number of analytics they run over a single video clip is mind boggling. AI and ML are here to rule the data…!

“Data is the new Oil”

Finally not to mention the amazing food and some souvenirs

at the AWS DeepComposer photo booth with some props :)




Ajay Kumar S

Building ☁️ | Opinions/Views expressed here are my own 🗣️