Github data to identify and select tech applicants

Anuj Agarwal
TechProfile-Data Driven Hiring
3 min readMar 13, 2023

GitHub is the world’s largest and most popular code repository, used by millions of developers worldwide to share, collaborate and contribute to open-source projects. As a result, the platform is rich in data that can be used to identify the skills and competencies of its users. In this article, we will explore how data from a user’s GitHub profile can be leveraged to identify candidate skills, and the importance of using this data to drive hiring decisions.

The rise of data-driven hiring

As technology continues to advance, the hiring process is becoming increasingly data-driven. Traditional methods of evaluating candidates, such as interviews and resumes, are being supplemented with data-driven approaches that analyze a candidate’s performance, productivity, and contributions to open-source projects. This is where GitHub comes in, as the platform provides a rich source of data that can be used to identify the skills and abilities of its users.

The importance of GitHub data for hiring

GitHub provides a wealth of data that can be used to identify candidate skills, including the following:

Commits: Commits are the changes that a user makes to a code repository. By analyzing the number and frequency of commits, as well as the quality of the code changes, hiring managers can gain insight into a candidate’s programming skills, work ethic, and attention to detail.

Repositories: Repositories are the projects that a user creates and contributes to on GitHub. The number, quality, and diversity of repositories can provide valuable information about a candidate’s experience and expertise in different programming languages and tools.

Languages worked: GitHub allows users to tag their repositories with the programming languages that they use. By analyzing the languages that a candidate has worked with, hiring managers can gain insight into their level of expertise in different programming languages and tools.

Contributions: GitHub allows users to contribute to open-source projects, which can provide valuable experience and exposure to different programming concepts and tools. By analyzing a candidate’s contributions to open-source projects, hiring managers can gain insight into their ability to work collaboratively, their knowledge of best practices, and their willingness to share knowledge and help others.

Followers: The number of followers that a GitHub user has can provide insight into their reputation within the developer community, as well as their ability to communicate and collaborate with others.

Leveraging GitHub data for hiring

To leverage GitHub data for hiring, companies can use a variety of tools and platforms, such as, that specialize in analyzing GitHub profiles and identifying candidate skills. These platforms can analyze a candidate’s GitHub activity and provide insights into their programming skills, experience, and expertise in different programming languages and tools. They can also provide a score that represents a candidate’s overall GitHub activity and proficiency.

By using GitHub data to inform their hiring decisions, companies can identify candidates who have a proven track record of success and a deep understanding of programming concepts and tools. This can help to reduce the risk of hiring candidates who may lack the necessary skills or experience to be successful in their role.


GitHub provides a wealth of data that can be leveraged to identify candidate skills and inform hiring decisions. By analyzing a candidate’s commits, repositories, languages worked, contributions, and followers, hiring managers can gain valuable insights into their programming skills, experience, and expertise. By using tools and platforms that specialize in analyzing GitHub profiles, such as, companies can identify the best candidates for their open positions and reduce the risk of hiring candidates who may not have the necessary skills or experience to succeed in their role.



Anuj Agarwal
TechProfile-Data Driven Hiring

Director - Technology at Natwest. Product Manager and Technologist who loves to solve problems with innovative technological solutions.