3 Ways Through Which Fantasy Sports Leagues can Drive Fan Engagement

3 min readApr 17, 2018


Fantasy sports is an evolving domain. Purely based on real-life sports, the field attracts interest from youngsters as well as grown-ups. The rising number of people engaging in the field of fantasy sports clearly shows that in the coming days, this is going to be the new trend.

According to studies, around 52.5 million people play fantasy sports in the U.S. alone. With the number of increasing players, the number of fans is increasing too. As a matter of fact, sports leagues are regularly using ways to optimise their systems in order to ensure deeper fan engagement. The idea is to focus on a set of people who are genuinely passionate about the game. Such groups involved in leagues are highly beneficial for the branding of sports as well as the players.

But what do fans actually expect? With a whopping number of increasing mobile users, it has become way too easy to read, learn and stay updated with mobile technology. And sports fans are no different! All they need is useful information, latest updates, and trends on the tap of a finger. Keeping this in mind, progressive sports clubs can ensure fan engagement by including the following things:

Effortless and Handy platforms
Digital is the new trend! As people are changing from Gen X to Gen Y, the millennials, the number of entertainment channels used by them are constantly growing. From TV to mobiles to media platforms and what not, the new-age fans are used to digitization and technology that runs butter smooth.

Sports leagues like NFL make the perfect use of this modernization by expanding their horizons to a variety of channels other than the traditional television. This, in turn, leads their fans to run into them everywhere and participate in active discussions and forums. Thus, it is important for growing leagues to keep their platforms easy and available at all times.

Social media technology
While watching a match these days, no one sits empty handed. The reason? Smartphones and social media. People express their thoughts, share updates and reach out to all their friends majorly by the help of social media.

In fact, stadiums these days provide the facility of Wifi so that people can share such stuff. These activities increase the buzz and popularity of the players as well as the sport which is being played. Fantasy sports demands a similar system to allow sharing of trending updates instantly with fellow players to generate more popularity for season long as well as daily fantasy sports.

Content That Appeals
Reports show that on an average people spend 5 hours of their time on smartphones daily. These stats show that people are constantly looking out for latest updates and trends on that little piece of technology in their hand itself. By providing effective content, blogs, vlogs and even flashcards; sports leagues platforms can increase their fan base exponentially.

Other than these, the concept of prediction can also be applied by running regular polls and contests amongst individuals to make engagement even more effective.

About Techracers:
Techracers is a team of fantasy sports design and development specialists. We love sports and when it comes to fan engagement and fantasy sports, our skills and knowledge of products development are unrivaled. Get in touch with us if you and your team are planning a fantasy sports initiative.

This content is originally posted on Techracers blog

