How Blockchain Can Transform The Pharma Industry? — Techracers’ Webinar

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2 min readOct 15, 2018

On 11th October 2018, we hosted a webinar- “Tag, Trace ,Track and Trade: Digitizing the Value Chain with Blockchain”. The complete session ran for about 30 minutes. The webinar covered the challenges prevailing in the current pharma industry and how blockchain can help in solving them.

Following topics were covered during the webinar:

  • The State of the Current Pharma Ecosystem
  • Challenges Prevailing in the Pharma Industry
  • Blockchain Answers for Pharma Problems
  • Current Blockchain Applications in Pharma
  • Future of Blockchain in Pharma Industry

Key takeaways:

  • There is a complete shift in the pharma consumer base. It is a crucial tipping point for the pharma industry to adopt new technologies to provide better Quality of Service.
  • The consumers are now looking for value-based care rather than volume-based care.
  • Cold chain inefficacy, irregular drug distribution and inadequacy of clinical trials are the major pain points facing the current pharma industry.
  • Blockchain technology can be used across the pharmaceutical value chain to address many such challenges.
  • Techracers have built a blockchain solution for drug serialization which can address the problem of counterfeit drugs.

About Techracers

Techracers is a leader in the market-shifting technology innovation. We provide end-to-end breakthrough services for Pharma Supply Chain, Telemedicine etc. We conceive, design and test real-world blockchain applications to lift the efficacy of legacy healthcare systems. Our enterprise-ready ledger solutions let you reap the rewards of industry disruption and harness the power of blockchain. We coherently integrate blockchain into different facets of the healthcare industry such as precision medicine, genomics research, drug traceability and more.

