Viral Content Marketing Examples For Local Business

Tech Shamim
Published in
7 min readNov 12, 2019

Viral Content Marketing Examples: Can you remember the last piece of viral marketing content you shared on your social media accounts? Have you ever created content that you thought was going to be viral and shareable? Have you created content that you thought was a masterpiece and then no one even cared?

You wonder. What makes people share this content specifically? What is Viral Content Marketing Examples? Do these people know that their Facebook status might be shared 3000 times?

Indeed, some people follow a few principles while writing Tweets, Facebook status, or blog posts. Others make it accidentally.

They are surprised by numbers of reach, shares, and engagements.

But the whys of sharing content are based on psychological science. If you want to have viral marketing content, or going a social media influencer, or even working as a writer, you should know the answers to all these whys.

Another fact is that sharing is not a new phenomenon, we used to allocate daily hours to talk about reviews of the last restaurant we visited with our family, our friends and our coworkers. Even, we now do that by adding writing statuses, checking up our locations, posting selfie photos, and sharing blogs.

Psychology of turning to Viral Content Marketing Examples

Here is the ugly truth. With all the billions of websites, billions of tweets in every single moment, billions of comics, blogs, videos, podcasts, and newsfeed, people are going to share what is worth to be shared.

You want to get through all the clutter and reach your ideal reader. It seems like a hard mission, but it’s still applicable.

The New York Times has conducted a whole study to figure out why people share online and understand what kind of content they like to share. This study is always working to consider what is happening in our minds when we press share post.
The researchers have concluded that the core reasons for creating Viral Content Marketing Examples can be summarized as follows:

  • Self-actualization
  • Esteem
  • Love belonging
  • Psychological

What does that mean?

First, we have to admit that we are engaging in content that seems to present our identity and character. We write a tweet that helps us enhance our image to the public, besides, we share content that makes us appear as authoritative, well-educated and neat.

Second, almost 49% of the people involved in the NYT survey said they often shared to inspire their followers about products, and views to encourage them to go on our track. On the other hand, there are 94% of them said they shared content that tends to be useful for their friends.

Third, people tend to share trendy content in order not to miss something. They don’t like to look ignorant about current events. Also, internet users want to share their interests to grow their relationships with their common interests.

Forth, we sometimes share information and news feed when it comes from authentic sources. So, we can go back to our account to have a look at these articles using them for different purposes. Some people said they used their profiles as a reference for their future work.

To sum up: the content becomes viral and contagious when it’s going to be personal, emotional, valuable, bringing entertainment, authentic, and popular.

Now, let’s talk about actionable tips to come up with your published content.

5 Tactics to Create Viral Content Marketing Examples

Think about the last time you checked your Instagram or Twitter, or Facebook, what things drew your attention.

Hence, to be practical and convert these numbers to objectives, and ambitions we can optimize to hit Google.

Here you can find things to carry out your viral marketing content and not let your blog posts settle down at the bottom Google.

1| Defining your ideal reader and help them to define themselves

Everyone, when they write, wants everyone to read, react, press like, or leave a comment. And the best gift you can present is to share content. However, a golden strategy is to come up with content as if were for one person. You should imagine your ideal reader with all the specific characteristics. His name, his marital status, his work, and the first thing he does once he up.

How does the reader go to work? What are their interests? What are their ambitions?

Even if Henneke Duistermaat, an author and irreverent copywriter, said, in her compelling book, that you could draw your ideal reader, and hold this photo in front of your eyes whenever you get started the writing process

Once you start creating personal content, it will help to define yourselves to your audience. And then, you will have viral marketing content because you can express their passions and concerns.

For example, your ideal reader is Mary. She is married and a thirty-old mother. Her interest in cooking. And you manage a herbs company that provides all-natural complements for eating and skincare. If you are going to talk about the benefits of adding herbs in recipes, all Marys certainly will share your piece as it’s a justification why she spends money on these products.

Put your ideal reader’s interest in your consideration before thinking about any ideas you want to write.

2| Using catchy headlines to get more Viral Marketing Content

Let’s say you are going to search for tips to help you to pass your tomorrow’s interview. So, you open Google and write tips for interviews. You skim the top results.

Just imagine you are getting these links:

  • Interview tips.
  • 5 tips you should read before going to the interview.
  • Interview questions
  • Top 10 tips you should consider to get a job through the interview.
  • What do you think? Which link could you click through?

Surely, you wouldn’t ever go through the first and third ones. Mostly, you find the second one is the best. Many studies have already proven the power of using numbers in headlines to drive traffic.

But, is that the only way?

No, the “How to” headlines always work because it tells people simply a solution to their problems. Talking about mistakes to avoid is also a good way to grab attention, so people will share them, and then your blog is going to be viral marketing content.

To recap: creating a compelling headline is the first phase to have viral marketing content. If you still struggle to find this headline right now, take your time to think again. Maybe the best one will pop in your mind while laying on your couch.

3| Intertwine a story

People love stories. We are gossiping all the time about what is happening to your old friends and how our neighbors have bothered us. You shouldn’t skip this fact when writing your blog post. Being a good storyteller makes you a good writer.

For example: let’s continue talking about your blog post you are going to tell candidates how to pass their interviews. Why not inform your readers about your ups and downs through your pursuit to get a job?

Mentioning your personal experience helps your blog to be viral marketing content. If you don’t have any experience in the topic you tend to write, you can ask your friends for any suggestions. Or you can fake it.

4| Provide a solution

If you have a company and you want to launch a blog to promote your business, you have to know that your readers don’t want to listen or read about how great your company is. They don’t care about your company history, or the business goals you have achieved every year. They only care about how you can help them to solve their problems.

The basic principle to create viral marketing content is to identify a problem that your readers may face. Consequently, establish your content based on providing simple and handy solutions, advice and ways to overcome their obstacles.

Imagine you have a digital marketing agency. Instead of pushing your audience to make deals with you, talking about how they can improve their SEO in sample tips. Be generous. The more information you cater to your readers, the more visitors will flow to your site.

As long as your blog post is valuable, it turns to viral marketing content. Because readers will trust you, they will share your content to benefit their followers.

5| Be funny, unique and controversial

Back to your Facebook home, you could notice that the content that is being shared over and over again is comics, short funny videos, or sarcasm news.

Abstractly, if you can use a funny tone in your writing, go for it. It’ll make your blog post and content unique. At the same time, don’t exaggerate and make your content funny over informative.

Being controversial is another approach to have viral marketing content. The argument method is captivated, especially if it has already diffused through your community.

Of course, your business blog is not the right place for political debts but think about building a link between controversial issues and your business.

In a nutshell: creating unique content is not an easy task. Pick ideas from your friends, TV shows, and movies. Widen your space to be acknowledged about what people love and care related to your business.


Crafting Viral Content Marketing Examples doesn’t need a strategic plan. It only needs to be clear, direct, empathic and using powerful words.



Tech Shamim

Founder of, Digital Marketer & Web Designer. Dedicated to Sharing with People About Different Types of Practical Knowledge.